Chapter 8- "OH MY GOD JOSIE "

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Hopes POV:
Josie gave both uncle Elijah and aunt Frey's a quick wave before her cheeks started to turn red ."well we will give you both some time ,we'll come later" aunt freya said before closing the room door .
"Are you embarrassed of me ? " I hear Josie say , I quickly turn around and walk towards her ."what do you mean embarrassed of you , I'm proud of you "I say grabbing her by the waist ."they why did your cheeks turn red of embarrassment when you saw them ?" She said with tears in her eyes .
"I was embarrassed of them " I said placing my hand on her cheek , softly rubbing it with my thumb. "Every time I date someone my whole family has a tendency of scaring them away and confronting them , there just so overprotective of me " I continued . She lifted her face and looked at me ,her chocolate brown eyes started glowing yellow , wait . HER EYES STARTED GLOWING YELLOW . "OH MY GOD JOSIE " I screamed as I jumped back ."wait hope what's wrong !?!?" Josie asked with a panicked voice , "your eyes are glowing like if you were a wearwolf" I said with a loud voice ."WHAT " she screamed , she started pacing back in forth in my room . "We gotta go see my aunt freya " I said walking towards her , grabbing her hands , she nodded and we both ran out of the room .

A.n : I know this was a very short chapter but I wanted to write something , I'll try to write a longer chapter soon but I already have to much homework.anyways thanks for reading .

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