Chapter 14-"im so sorry jo"

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Josie's POV:
Lizzie dragged me to her room and sat me down on her bed "ok so he was so sweet and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes so now we're dating "Lizzie said with a big smile "oh my god Lizzie that's great" i said while standing up to hug her , she hugged me back and sat best to me "now tell me about how it felt to be a wolf"  Lizzie said "well when you first start shifting your bones break and rearrange so it hurts but hope helped me so it wouldn't hurt or last long , but after your senses are a bit higher, you can smell the grass , you feel the breeze and it's just amazing.the paws are a but hard to control but eventually you get the hang of them" I explained. "Wow" Lizzie said "yeah it was awesome " we heard a knock at the door , Lizzie got up to open it ,she opened the door and my dad was standing outside with a crossbow ,panicky all over his face "dad what's wrong ?"I asked standing up and walking towards the door "there's monsters on campus " he said "what do you mean monsters, I thought malivore could only release 1 at the time ?" Lizzie said panicking "yeah but turns out we were wrong , Josie go alert hope and tell her to alert freya and Elijah . Lizzie go help evacuate the kids" we both nodded and sprinted out the door , I ran to hopes room and bursted through "baby what's wrong ?" Hope said , jumping out of the bed "there's monsters on campus, we were wrong about malivore, it can release more than one" I said out of breath "my dad told me to tell you to alert freya and Elijah "I said , catching my breath "ok I'll text them right away" . she pulled out her phone and texted them "ok let's go and make sure everybody else is safe " I nodded and we both ran out of the room.

Hopes POV:
Me and Josie started going around school telling everyone to stay in lockdown and that there's monsters from malivore on campus , I knew that malivore was never going to stop releasing monsters so me and my family started researching on it and We found out that it was made from a werewolf, vampire and witch and only one of each could distroy it, me being a trybrid can distroy it by jumping in , the only downside is that everyone would forget me . I told my whole family about it and they all didn't want me to sacrifice myself in order to stop it , but eventually they all accepted my choice , I didn't want Josie to know because then she would stop me , I made sure to tell my family to comfort her while I was gone .we were just waiting for malivore to release another monster so while we were fighting it I would jump in malvore , making the portal close , me and my family explained the "plan malivore" to Alaric , he knew that Josie would need people but he understood . Me and Josie we're still making sure everyone was safe ,we tracked the monsters and killed them .me and Josie meet up with my aunt freya, uncle Elijah, uncle kol , aunt davina, Camille,aunt keleen, aunt bex, uncle marcel and Dr.saltzman ."I'm so sorry jo" I said as I rubbed Josie's cheek with my thumb, I leaned closer and gave her one last kid before I turned to look at everyone else before I screamed "PLAN MALIVORE " I quickly ran away leaving Josie and everyone else I love behind me.

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