Chapter 2- Was it a dream ?

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Josie's POV:
I wake up by the bright sun shining in my eyes , I sit up in my bed and then I realized I was in my room , I remembered falling asleep outside in the woods with a white wolf , but how could a wolf carry me back to my room ? I quickly realized that I was probably dreaming . I pick up my phone looking at the time and I see that my first period starts in 5 minutes I already missed breakfast , I jump off of my bed and quickly change into my school uniform , I put my hair in some messy space buns and quickly brush my teeth , I grab my backpack and run out of my room and to my first period , I bumped into some people and I quickly apologized . I get to my first period and I walked in , I quickly find a seat next to a auburn hair girl "I'm so sorry if this seat is taken but every other seat is taken too, this is the only available spot " I quickly apologized , "it's fine , no this seat isn't taken" the auburn hair girl said , she looked up to me with her beautiful blue ocean eyes and gave me a quick smirk , I was to busy starting at her eyes that I didn't realize that she was speaking to me "sorry what ?" I quickly say "my name is hope " she quickly said again oh , my name is Josie , Josie saltzman " I say with a quick smile "so your Alaric's daughter ?"she said "yes, how did you know ? " I asked " well your dad is taking over for my dad " she answered "oh your klaus mikaelsons daughter " I said , she nodded and went back to doing her work , after a few minutes class ended and I grabbed all my stuff putting it away in my backpack "well it was nice to meet you Josie " I hear hope say before I stand up " thanks, it was nice to meet you to hope " I answered before waiving goodbye and heading to my next class .
————————3 class periods later—————————
It was finally lunch time , I was starving since I missed breakfast , I got in line to get food next to me was Lizzie talking about how she meet a really cute boy called Sebastian in her 2nd period I just continued nodding , I wasn't paying attention , I was to busy of thinking of hope and her blue eyes my daydreaming was interrupted "hello are you even listening ?" Lizzie asked while snapping her fingers infront of my face "sorry what ? " I quickly answer "do you think I should ask Sebastian out ?" She asked me again "well Lizzie that's your choice but you do sound head over heels for this guy " I answered , we found some empty seats and sat down , we started eating and I raised my head up looking at the cafeteria entrance , there I see hope  she waved hi , I started blushing and I started feeling butterflies in my stomach  "hey hope " i said as she pulls out a chair to sit down "hey Josie " she says "you must be Josie's twin Lizzie right " hope asked while starting at Lizzie "yes , and you are ?" Lizzie asked with a bitchy tone "Lizzie " I whisper while softly kicking her under the table "I'm hope , hope mikaelson"  hope said . Lizzie's face went blank and the color drained from her face "sorry" Lizzie quickly apologized and continued eating "anyways Josie ?" Hope asked "yes?" I said "would you mind if I walked you to your next class ?" I was surprised that she even asked me this "uh sure " I answer . I got up and threw my good away , I walked towards Lizzie and said bye , she waved bye and I left with hope ."where are we going ? Our next period doesn't start for 37 minutes " I asked " I'm taking you to my favorite place , the old mill , I wanna show you something " hope answered . We walked to the woods and we walk to an abandoned run down farm house , "ok follow me " hope said as we walk into the building . What are you going to show me " I asked curiously "you'll see" she said with a quick smirk ,I started blushing and hiding my face from her so she wouldn't see my bright red cheeks. She grabbed my chin with her fingers and slowly raised my head to where I could see her eyes , her eyes were so mesmerizing and beautiful , I could look at them forever and never get tired of them . "Ok please turn around " hope said , without hesitation I did what she asked ,I could hear clothes dropping on the floor soon I heard bones cracking , "HOPE "  i screamed as I quickly turn around to a naked hope , I saw she had a dick , a very large one to be exact I started blushing and looked up to look at hopes face she gives me a quick smirk, I quickly turned around "sorry I didn't mean to see , I heard bones breaking , I thought you got hurt " I quickly said "it's fine Josie "I hear her say before I hear more bones cracking , soon I feel something nudge my leg , I turned around and saw the white wolf that I saw in my dream , or was it a dream , I soon realized that it wasn't a dream and that hope was the white wolf I saw last night .

Hope's POV:
Me and Josie where in the old mill , I wanted to show her that I was a werewolf , well I was actually a tribrid warewolf, witch and vampire but one at a time . "What are you going to show me " I heard Josie say as we were standing in the old mill "you'll see" I answered her giving her a quick smirk , she started blushing and hid her face from me , this girl was so beautiful , she would be the death of me .i took her chin with my fingers , slowly raising her head to where I could see her beautiful eyes again with her rose pink cheeks , I let go of her chin and started to speak "ok please turn around " without hesitation she did as I asked , this made me chuckle a bit , she was adorable and so innocent .i started undressing myself and I let my wolf take over , my bones started to crack "HOPE" I heard Josie scream as she turns around to face me , she looked down at my duck and stared at it for a few seconds she started blushing and looked up to look at my face I gave her a quick smirk teasing her , she quickly turned around again " sorry I didn't mean to see , I heard bones breaking , I thought you got hurt "Josie started apologizing "it's fine Josie" I said as I continued letting my wolf form take over , I walked over to Josie nudging her leg with my nose , she must have realized that I was with her last night because her expression went to shocked . I spin around to tell her to turn around , she quickly catches on what I meant and turned around I quickly change back to my human form and change into my clothes, "okay you can look " I say as I start tying my shoes , she turns around and faces me "so your a warewolf ?" Josie asked "actually I'm a tribrid part warewolf , part witch , and part vampire " I explained to her as we where walking back to school "so that's really cool " Josie says as I finished explaining "yeah it really is " I say . "Well class starts in a few minutes we should head there " I hear Josie say "yeah your right " I answer , me and Josie walked to class together .

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