Chapter 19-"Its a trap"

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Klaus's POV :
I left the hospital just to find whoever stole my grandchildren from the hospital.everyone knows not to mess with the mikaelsons.I heard that hope and Josie were going back home , it's sad seeing them like this , there both so nice and caring, they don't deserve this, I will make sure to find whoever did this and make sure they suffer and wish they were never born.we stopped at a abandoned house and freya transported stuff to make a few spells, "Freya,do a locator spell , here use mY blood" I handed freya my hand, she cut my hand as blood started to drip down to a map ,she started the spell and the blood started to make a trail. It ended leading us back to the Lockwood cellars ."what are they doing there ?" Elijah said stepping closer to the map to make sure he was seeing it right. "I don't know but we need to go save them " Rebekah said as she walked out of the abandoned house .

Rebekah's POV:
I walked out of the abandoned house bloody pissed at whoever stole the new additions of our family. We eventually reached the Lockwood cellar "everyone spread out the faster we find them the better" Klaus said as we all ran to diferente directions."whoever stole our family better give them back unless you wanna wish you were never born !" I screamed loud enough for someone to hear me .then I started hearing crying,the baby's. I vamp speed to where the crying was coming from , but I found no sign of a baby , just a tape recorder,"it's a trap!" I screamed as I threw the tape recorder to the wall , it smashing to peces as it hit the wall. "I heard something " Elijah screamed, I ran to where Elijah screamed from all of us meeting Elijah, we all looked down to the floor to see the baby's hospital bracelets. "There near" freya said as we all walked down the corridor. Then we all saw it ................

A.N - sorry to leave it at a cliffhanger , anyways I decided to update this because I haven't in a while plus it's my birthday so yay to me :) - J

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