Chapter 9- "My what ?"

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Josie's POV:
Me and hope are running in the Hallway holding hands trying to get to my Dad's office as soon as possible ,we finally get there but hope didn't care about knocking .she opened the doors and we both walked in "Jesus Christ hope what the hell" I hear my dad say as he's looking up to see us both ,I think he saw our worried faces because he soon asked what was wrong ."me and Josie where talking and then her eyes started glowing yellow like a werewolfs would " hope explained to my dad who was starting at both me and hope with a shocked expression ."I need to call freya " he said before going to the intercoms "freya and Elijah , will you both meet me in the office ?" He said before the doors opened to show Elijah and freya walking in . "What's wrong Alaric ?" Freya asked .
"Hope and Josie just walked in to my office and hope said that Josie's eyes were glowing like how a werewolf's would " my dad explained to both Elijah and freya, the both turned to look at me with shocked expressions. "I think I have an idea of what's happening " freya said before motioning to me and hope to take a seat across from her . He and hope both walk to the chairs across from freya and take a seat . "I think what the both of you are experiencing as a mate bond , also known as a mating bond ." freya said whole looking at me and hope ,"a what ?" I hear hope say "a mate bond " freya says before explaining ."a mate bond is where a werewolf finds there twin flame , technically the both of you are soulmates, now the Alpha , which is hope ,has to mate with them , like have sex , in order for the both of you to be one . Now this will only make y'all engaged , the full marriage will be when the alpha bites there mate, and the mate will bite back as a form of acceptance . Then they will become one , meaning Josie you will have the ability of transitioning into a wolf , while hope will have the ability to syphon magic." Freya finished explaining . I looked at hope , she had a shocked face and then she looked at me , we both looked at each other for a while before looking back at freya .
"Did the both of you have.... uh.... sex before ? " freya asked us while trying to not make eye contact with us . "Yes they have" my dad said pulling a chair next to freya and sat down , holding a bottle of bourbon ."wait dad how did you know ?" I asked with my cheeks burning from embarrassment ."well when I was going to your room to check on you , I heard you...uh... in hopes room .....uh .......and .... I think the whole school heard y'all last night " he said , my face instantly looked up to look at him ,my eyes went wide , I turned to see hope which was red as a tomato . "Well that solves it , your both engaged " freya said breaking the very embarrassing quietness. "Hope and Josie , you will both have to finish the mating bond before both of your wolfs get mad because they want to be with each other and burst" freya said before leaving the room . I stood up and then hope did she grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze , we both walked out holding hands and we went to her room .

⚠️more smut , yes , more ⚠️

Hopes POV:
Me and Josie we're walking back to my room , I opens the door and we both walked in , I closed the door behind me and we both sat on my bed . "So " Josie said with a small voice . "Look baby , if you want to wait for the mating bond , I will wait until your ready " I said pulling her close and giving her a quick hug , she hugged me back "I don't wanna wait " she said pulling away , "you sure ?" I asked , she gave me a nod and pulled her hair ,showing her beautiful neck covered with hickeys from last night . I started giving her small kisses all over her neck before I bit her , she let out a small grunt from the pain of my teeth sinking into her soft and warm flesh , I pulled my teeth out after a few seconds , "do you really wanna do this ?" I asked again "yes hope , I really want to " she said , I moved my hair , exposing my neck , she gave me small kisses all over my neck before her teeth sinked into my neck . She pulled them out after a while , she looked into my eyes and her eyes started glowing yellow , I felt mine glow to , after a while her eyes stoped glowing , I also felt that mine stoped , "can we cuddle?" Josie asked with a innocent look while playing with my hoodie's sleeves. "Of course baby , we can talk about other things too" I said before we laid down , she put her head in a crook of my neck and snuggled tightly into me . "So I want to talk about our sex stuff " I said , blushing a bit, I felt her cheeks get hot meaning she was blushing too. "So I want to talk about pet names , safe words , and if your into ropes , choking handcuffs,vibrators and knifes" I said , she looked up to me "I'm okay with everything baby " she said "but our safe word will be Dino nuggies tho" she said with a pouty face ,"Dino nuggies ?" I asked , she nodded "okay then Dino nuggies it is " I pulled her closer and kissed her head "now pet names , I will be daddy , you are kitten , got it kitten ?" "Yes daddy " . I gave her a soft kiss on her lips .she then moved her knee , accidentally brushing it against my cock ,I let out a small groan,she looked up with a worried face "baby you ok ?" She asked "yes princess , it's just that you rubbed my cock with your knee " I said softly rubbing her cheek . "Oh I'm sorry " she said moving a little bit away from me . "Nooooo, come back " I said pulling her close to me again. She rubbed her knee against my dick again ,I ignored it and continued cuddling , after a few seconds she did to again , then again , then again , at this point I found out she was doing it on purpose ,"do that again and you will be punished " I said , this made her look up with a innocent look on her face "do what again ? " she asked , sounding all innocent."you know what " I said , we went back to cuddling and she did it again . "You shouldn't have done that kitten " I said before I got on top of her."what are you going to do about it " she said with a bratty attitude. "I will punish you now " I said before I leaned down to get a rope under my bed and tied Josie down to the bed , but she was able to move just a bit I then took off her pants , her underwear were wet with a puddle and her juices were dripping down her legs . I then took off my pants , then my boxers , my hard dick flinging out of my boxers . I then took off her underwear and slowly put my dick in her , she left out a small moan . I quickly put a sound proof barrier spell on the room so nobody would hear us she then took of her shirt and bra and so did I . I started thrusting in and out of her wet pussy , the faster I went the louder she started moaning , her walls getting tighter around my dick as she started reaching her high ,"Hope go faster " I hear Josie say between her uncontrollable moaning .i started going faster and faster , she started scratching my back with her nails , her eyes rolling to the back of her head , before Josie could cum I pulled out and then waited "please hope fuck me " I hear her beg " no kitten , remember , your being punished for that stunt you pulled off " I said chuckling "please hope fuck me hard " "sorry kitten but you decided to get punished " I said tracing her body with my fingertips "daddy please fuck me until my hole is filled with your seed and I can't walk for a week " she begged as she started squirming around "sorry kitten but you brought this on yourself " I said shoving 2 fingers in her pussy then pulling them out , making her squirm around the bed "please daddy , I'm begging you , please fuck me so hard I will not walk for months " "please daddy fuck me " she continued begging , I was finally satisfied with her begging and I shiver my cock inside her pussy , going full speed as soon as I entered, josie soon became a moaning mess and her knuckles turning white from gripping the sheets below her . I started going faster and balls deep , she started scratching my back and cummed all over and over again , I continued going ,over simulating her I started cumming but that didnt stop me , I didn't stop or slow down for a bit , she was now begging me to stop "please daddy stop " she begged "you brought this on yourself kitten ,remember . You said that I could fuck you till you couldn't walk for a week and I filled your hole with my seed " I said before I speeded up . She soon reached her climax and cummed over and over again , she soon reached her orgasm and she was now a big wet moaning mess , i started to shove my dick deeper into her , she moaned louder and harder now , I then cummed and cummed again , I decided to stop and I pulled out , her hole started dripping with my cum and I got up , I untied her from the bed and gave her a quick kiss I then grabbed a towel so I can get me and Josie cleaned up . After we finished cleaning off we laid down cuddling together , "that was amazing baby " I say giving her head a quick kiss "yeah that was " she said looking up to me , "what time is it ? , I'm starving " I hear Josie say before she gets up looking at the time on her phone ,"oh my god , how long were we fucking ?" Josie asked "I don't know ? Why ?" I asked "it's 6 in the morning " Josie said showing me the time "oh , we started at 8:21 am " I said , I realized that we were having sex for a very long time . "Well they started serving breakfast baby and I'm hungry " Josie said with a pouty face . "Ok ok , but get dressed , I don't want anyone seeing you , because that's only for me to see " I said walking over to her , kissing her passionately . "Well then can I borrow your hoodie again ? " she asked me with a innocent look on her face "of course baby " I said , I changed while Josie was also getting changed , we finished changing and headed to the cafeteria .

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