Chapter 18- "no"

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Josie's POV:
I woke up with a alar blaring all over the hospital.i turned to look at everyone walking up,"what's going on ?" I asked confused."I don't know , I'll ask a nurse "my mom said as she walked out of the hospital room , I looked over at hope which was still somehow sleeping , she looked so cute .lizzie came over and sat next to me "so how does it feel like after giving birth to two adorable twins " Lizzie said while softly nudging my arm "well it was really tiring and hard , but it was all worth it " I said as I layer back down .my mom then walked in with a worried expression "mom what's wrong ?" I asked as I realized her face was pure panic, worry, and sadness "the hospital is in lock down right now" my mom said as she woke hope up , hope sat up and gave her her full attention."someone took 2 baby's out of the NICU... I compelled the nurse to tell me which baby's were taken " she said as she started to cry , I then realized "they took Hayley and Eli " I said as I started to cry , hope then got up and came over to comfort me ,she then started to cry "no no no , they took my babies " I said as I clung on to hope , not wanting to let go ,trying to make the pain go away ,but it wouldn't leave klaus then stood up "I will find whoever took my grand children and make them wish they were never born" he said as he walked out of the room , probably in search for my babies.then the rest of the mikaelson family left except for hope who I was still clinging on to .a nurse then came in to tell us about what happened and that the police are looking for them, they also said that I could be released from the hospital, I quickly packed my bags and told Hope I wanted to go home , she understood and we went home ,without our new family additions.

A/u: I know a lot of y'all will hate me for doing this but I really wanted to make it more interesting, also I'm sorry I didn't post for a while , I needed to turn in all my assignments before there due date so I didn't have time to write, anyways glad to know some of y'all are enjoying the story -J

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