Chapter 6- "Be a good girl "

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⚠️they will be intense smut and very detailed scenes⚠️

Hopes POV:
Me and josie got in the party just in time , I started to look around when jed, a wolf from the pack I'm Alpha from came up to me and Josie ,"hey Alpha , I'm surprised to see you here " he said "alpha ? " I hear josie ask , " yeah , I'm the Alpha from the Salvatore crescent pack " I explained to josie "hey Jed good to see you too ,Jed this is josie my girlfriend, Josie this is Jed , one of the packs betas" I said "nice to meet you Jed " Josie said while reaching out to shake jeds hand , but Jed didn't take it , he looked at me and I gave him a nod , he then shook Josie's hand "nice to meet you to josie " Jed said , he then waved bye to me and Josie and walked back to the rest of the pack . "why did he look at you when I tried to shake his hand ?" Josie asked "wolfs have rules , when alphas have mates the rest of the pack must not harm or touch the mate unless they had the Alphas permission " I explained to josie "you being my mate , he had to make sure he had my permission before touching you " I said "oh so hope is a protective jealous Alpha is she now ?" Josie said while wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer .she then kissed me "lets go away from this boring party " I said as I pulled Josie behind me , heading to my room .

Josie's POV:
Hope decided that the party was boring and she wanted to do other things instead she pulled my back into the school , she took me to her room which was right next to mine and she opens the door , she then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck she closed the door from the room ,she started to kiss me and she laid me down on her bed , "are you sure about this?" I heard hope asked , I shaked my head and she continued kissing me , she started to remove my vest , then my shirt she started leaving hickeys all over my neck , collarbone and chest , she then started to remove my bra , my cheeks started getting red because I didn't really have big boobs but she didn't seem to mind , she started rubbing my nipple with her thumb while she sucked on the other one , circling my nipple with her tongue , my breathing started to speed up and I started to moan , she then switched boobs giving my other boob the same treatment she gave the other one she started to suck and nibble on it making me moan a little louder she then started to give me more hickeys on the way down to my now dripping center , she removed my pants and then slowly removed my underwear , she looked up at me making sure I was sure , I gave her a reassuring nod and she swiped her tongue across my Clint making me moan out in pleasure , she slowly moved on top of me and placed one finger on my lips telling me to be quiet "shhhh , be a good girl and moan only when daddy lets you ok ? " hope said "yes daddy " I said , hope then when's back to eating , she started swiping her tongue across my throbbing Clint faster and faster , I kept biting my lip trying not to moan , she then added her two fingers , then three , then four "hope I'm about to cum " I moaned out "let go baby , daddy lets you moan " I hear hope say , I let go letting go and i felt myself cum , i then moaned out "good job baby " hope said as she licks my clean she then started to lick her fingers clean , she started kissing me , "baby you taste amazing " I heard hope say "thank you daddy " I said as I sat on hopes lap while she laid down "now show daddy what you can do " hope said while smirking at me . I unbuttoned her pants and took them of , i then slipped down her boxers to where I could see her very large dick "daddy it's so big " I said . "Yes , now show daddy what you can do with your mouth" hope said , I then grabbed her dick and put it in my mouth , I started sucking it , then precum started coming out , I then swallowed it and looked up to hope , she was amazed by what I was doing ,I started to suck harder and I heard moaning coming from her "daddy is enjoying , I you keep up the good work daddy will give you a surprise " hope said , this encouraged me to continue , she was getting harder and harder by the second , I started swirling my tongue around her tip , this made hope's breathing speed up and then she started to moan louder and louder . She grabbed my hair and started to roam her hands through my hair , I decided to speed up ,"josie I'm about to cum " hope said while gripping my hair "HERE COMES DADDY " hope screamed as she cummed inside My mouth , i swallowed it without even dropping a drop . I then finished and wiped my mouth .I got on my knees on the bed , close to hope , she then grabbed my neck , slightly choking me ,kinky , "daddy thinks you did a good job " hope said as she gripped my throat a little tighter , she wasn't hurting me , I liked it actually . "Daddy want you to be a good girl and get on all fours " hope said as she brought me in for a kiss . "Yes daddy " I said and I got on all fours , hope then slipped in her dick in me , it was bigger then I expected , I moaned while she went inside me , I grunted at the feeling , it was a bit of pain but it was filled with pleasure too . "You ok princess?, we could stop if you want " I heard hope say in a concerned voice "I'm fine baby , just bigger then I thought ,please ha careful with me tho , this is my first time " I said as she continued , she started pulling out , then pushed in , then out . It felt really good , i started to moan harder and harder , hope started to speed up and she started going after and faster "hope ,hope , hope " i started moaning her name "that's not what you call me , what do you call me ?" Hope said with a demanding hot voice "d-d-d- daddy " I managed to say in between moans . "That's right , and your kitten , you " hope said while pounding me , going balls deep,"ahh y-y-yes d-d-daddy " I managed to say between moans . "Now let me hear you moan my name , let everyone know how much of a slut you are for me " "hope " I started to moan out  each time getting louder and Louder . "HOPE , HOPE ,HOPE ,HOPE " I moaned out every time , "yes kitten , say my name , let everyone hear who you belong to " hope said while pounding my pussy ."hope I'm about to cum " I managed to say between moans "again ?", hope asked , I just nodded my head "kitten , just let it all go , let daddy feel your wet juices " hope said between her moans , I let it all go and then I felt wet with my juice, "ok watch out kitten , daddy is about to cum " hope then cummed inside me. She let out a loud moan and then she moaned out my name ,She then pulled out and laid next to me . "Baby that was amazing " I said as I kissed her ."thanks princess , I could say the same as you " we cuddled together and then we both fell asleep

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