Chapter 3- "Who was that ?"

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Josie's POV:
"Hope ... hope... hope " I whispered while shaking hope trying to wake her up  "what ?" Hope said in a groggy voice , it was kinda hot "wake up before the teacher calls on you and you can't answer because your asleep " I whisper "ok ok I'm up " I hear her say "ok class listen for your partner for the project , remember there due in a week , mg and wade, Landon and Rafael......" the teacher started to partner everyone up "and our last group and the only group of three Josie , hope and Penelope " the teacher finished . The bell ringed meaning school was done for the day , graves my books and put them in my backpack , I turned over to look at hope putting her books in her bag "I guess where partners then " I say getting hopes attention "yeah but not really exited for it " after she said that it made me feel sad ,  "oh " i say as I looked down at the floor and turned away ready to walk out of the class , then I feel someone grab my hand . I turned around and saw  hope "I didn't mean it like that jo, you see I am exited to work with you but not so muck with Penelope " I blushed at the fact that she called me jo and that she said that she was excited to work with me ,  but I didn't understand why she didn't want to work with this Penelope person , my thinking was interrupted by a girl with shoulder length hair walked up to me and hope "let's get this show on the road then witches " she said as she wrapped one arm around my waist while wrapping her other arm around hopes waist , hope quickly pulled out of the girls grip "go away pen " hope said through gritted teeth with her eyes glowing golden yellow , I quickly got out of the girls grasp and walked infront of hope , I know how to keep people calm with the 17 years of practice with Lizzie   I graves hopes face and pulled it don't to where she could see my face "hey hope , hey look at me . Control your breathing , focus on my voice , slow down your breathing " I say trying to get hope to calm down , after a few seconds her breathing started to slow down and her eyes stoped glowing and went back to her ocean blue . "Well peace out hopey and jojo " the shoulder length hair girl said while walking out of the classroom . Hope started growing and I quickly grabbed her hand sand softly rubbed her silky smooth skin "hey calm down , it's ok " I say still trying to calm her down "I'm sorry that you had to see that Josie " hope said apologizing at what just happened ."it fine , who was that anyways " I asked curious of who or what that person did to piss of hope this much " that was Penelope , my ex girlfriend "  hope said while looking at the floor "oh" I say with a quiet voice , we both walk out of the classroom "do you wanna go to my room to work on the project ?" I hear hope ask me "sure " I say with a small smile , she gives me a quick smirk making me blush , she takes my hand and walks me to her room

Hopes POV :
I bring Josie to my room so we can work on the project we were assigned, we both sat down on the floor starting the project about ancient magic .I love that I got to work with Josie because every time I see her , I feel butterflies in my stomach , I feel something that I never felt with anyone before , I want to get to know her better before I make my move on asking her out , I know I might be moving so fast but I have never been so sure about anything else . Sadly this was turned down when I heard that penny was going to be in my group , I broke up with her after finding out that she was cheating on me with my best friend Rosalie , I was going to talk to her about a surprise party I was trowing her for her birthday , I opened the door and I found her having sex with Rosalie , I was heartbroken and I shut everyone out , eventually I got over her and decided to make new friends and ignore her , "so what happened between you and Penelope " Josie asked breaking my thoughts " what do you mean ?" I asked her while she was writing down the answers on a piece of paper, I looked down while she writes down the answers of the questions for the project ,her handwriting was so beautiful . "By the way you acted today , I'm pretty sure something happened between the two of you " she said "we used to date but I found her cheating on me with my best friend " I say "oh I'm so sorry I didn't know, I shouldn't have brought it up " she said apologizing "it's fine jo , really " I give her a quick smirk making her blush , she looks down at the paper trying to hide her bright red cheeks from me , I take her chin into my fingers and slowly raise her face so I can se her eyes "please don't hide your beautiful cheeks from m- " before I could finish my sentence I feel her soft , warm lips crash into mine , I stay there without moving , before I could react and kiss her back I feel her lips pull away and suddenly my lips feel cold I see her grab all her stuff and stand up "I'm so sorry hope I shouldn't have done that " I hear her say as she opens the door , before I could say anything she walked out of the room and she closed the door .

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