Chapter 4- "I love you "

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Josie's POV:
I kissed hope while we were working on our ancient magic project , she didn't kiss me back , I knew she didn't like  me and I was so stupid for kissing her in the first place , "I'm so sorry hope I shouldn't have done that " I quickly apologized and left her room after I kissed her and ran to my room , I laid on my bed and started to cry , I fell asleep like that , every time I saw hope I ran the other way , and during the Classes we had together , i sat away from her as possible .I was to afraid to face her and I felt embarrassed because I kissed her and she didn't feel the same way I did ,I continued ignoring her for the rest of the week until we had to turn our project in "next it's hope , Josie, and Penelope's project " the teacher said ,we all got up from our seats and walked to the front of the class  , surprisingly hope didn't bring it up , after a few minutes we finished our presentation . On our way to our seats the bell rang , I hurried to my seat and grabbed my stuff , before I could walk out the class door I feel someone grab my arm , I turned around to see hope grabbing my hand "can we talk in private? " I hear her say with a quiet voice "about what ?" I say with a bit of fear in my voice , I tried to hide it but I think she heard it ."about what happened last week in my room , just meet me in the woods at 6:30 " she said before letting go of my hand and walking out of the room . I standed there trying to understand what happend , I then walked to my room and plopped on my bed ,it was 4:56 and I was deciding if I should meet hope in the woods or if I should just stay in my room . I decided to take a long shower , I quickly got out of my school uniform and turned on the shower , I went in and the cold water touched my shoulders . After what felt like an hour I got out , I checked the time and it was 5:30 , I changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on my bed , I decided to meet hope and got ready .

Hope's POV:
I asked Josie if we could talk about what happend last week , I'm really not sure if she would come or not but I still decided to go to the woods and wait , i walked outside and waited by the old mill , after a while I decided to check my phone , I saw that it was 6:10 , I looked around but I didn't see Josie .

No ones pov:
Josie finished getting ready , she looked at the time and saw that it was 6:17 she decided to head to the woods , while on the other hand hope decided to take a run on her wolf form , by the time she got back it was 6:27 she saw Josie standing by the old mill by hopes clothes .

Hopes pov:
I came back to the old mill when I saw Josie , she turned to see me , I did a quick spin telling her to turn around while I change back, she turned to face the wall while I changed back to my human form changing into my clothes "ok you can look now " I said , Josie turned back to look at me "hey " I say "hey " she said in a soft voice "so I want to talk about what happened last week " I said with a soft voice trying not to scare her . "Look Im sorry hope I didn't mean to kiss you , I know you don't like me and I know it was a stupid thing to do and- " before she could finish I walked up to her , crashing my lips to hers , it felt like fireworks going off and my stomach was now feeling like a zoo of butterflies I slowly pull away from her " who said I didn't like you ? because Josie, I love you " I said while looking at her beautiful chocolate brown eyes , she took my cheeks in her hands and pulled me closer , I wrapped my hands around her waist ,"Josie , every time I saw you I felt butterflies , I felt something I never let with anyone else " I said she crashed her lips on mine ,again it felt like fireworks going off . I kissed her back , feeling her soft lips on mine . I slowly pull away ,she pouts at the fact that I stoped kissing her , I give her a quick smirk and she started to blush "Josette whatever your middle name is saltzman " I said "Olivia" I heard her say "what?" I said confused on why she said that "my middle name is Olivia " she said "oh, well then josette Olivia saltzman" I said with a smile " yes hope whatever your middle name is mikaelson ?" she said "Andrea " I said "well then , yes hope Andrea mikaelson?" She said while smiling , her smile was so beautiful "will you be my girlfriend ? " I asked Josie , she looked at me with a shocked expression "YES!" Josie screamed , she jumped on me , I quickly catched her , she grabbed my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss .

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