Chapter 17- "code red"

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Hopes POV:
It's been 2 months since I came back from malivore , Josie is scheduled to give birth in 6 days and we're both excited to be parents, my family helped me set up a nursery for my babies, Dr.saltzman let me and Josie move to a bigger room that has a extra room connected to it .josie has been doing well . "Baby?" Josie asked while we were in our last class period "yes baby?" I asked "I think my water just broke " Josie says ,starting to panick , I then pull my phone out and text the family group chat

❤️Family group chat❤️
Me: code red
Me: I repeat code red
Dad👨‍👧: on our way
Aunt bex😙:tell Josie to stay calm till we get there
Mom🐺: don't worry hope we're almost there
Lizzie💄: on my way

"Don't worry jo there almost here " I said before Josie screamed out in pain "they better hurry up before this baby comes out now " Josie said while gripping the table , then Lizzie , aunt bex ,my dad, my mom and dr.saltzman bursted through the door , I grabbed Josie with the help of my dad and we walked out of class , dr saltzman stayed behind talking to the teacher and aunt bex, mom and Lizzie followed us to the garage , I opened the car door and me and my dad placed Josie down I ran to the room to get the hospital bag and ran back out to the car , we all hopped in and my dad drove to the hospital.we got there and I carried Josie out of the car , she was screaming out in pain "it's okay baby , I'm here , we're here" I said petting her hair , trying to calm her down ,while my dad went to compel some doctors and nurses to help with the delivery. "Ok they have the room ready ,we should get going" my dad said , I nodded and followed him to the room , the nurses took Josie and laid her down on the bed . They started to prepare her for the birth ."it's okay baby, you can do this , I believe in you" i said , trying to calm her down , then she started screaming out in pain "guys get ready she's ready to give birth " I heard one of the doctors say , "ma'am I need you to wait outside or at least scrub in " a blond nurse told me , I quickly went to scrub in and grabbed Josie's hand . "I'm here baby , don't worry I'm right here " I kissed her head and rubbed her cheek with my thumb "It hurts , baby it hurts a lot" Josie said , grunting in pain ,"i know baby but it will all end soon .she nodded and looked at the doctors , they gave her a nod and Josie started to push ."Ahhhhhhhh" Josie started to scream while she was pushing "keep pushing " I heard a doctor say , Josie continued pushing "your doing great jo , keep pushing " I said , she squeezed my hand a little to hard "shut up , your the reason I got pregnant in the first place , Ahhh" Josie said while pushing "I'm sorry baby , please don't leave me " Josie quickly apologized "it's fine baby , it is my fault but at least you get to bring two beautiful children into the world , plus I will never leave you , your stuck with me . Always and forever " I said , stroking her hair .josie continued pushing and finally one was born "it's a boy " a nurse said as she went to go cleans him , after 5 minutes out daughter was born ."do you want to carry him ?" A nurse asked me , I nodded my head and she handed me my baby boy , he has Josie's eyes . I then walked towards Josie "meet out baby boy , what do you want to name him ?" She looked up at me "I was thinking of Eli Lucas mikaelson " she then looked at our daughter that was in her arms "now it's your turn to name her " she then looked up at me , i looked down to our daughter, she had my eyes "I was thinking of Hayley freya Mikaelson " I then looked at her "there beautiful, just like them " Josie said while rocking Hayley. "Here please take Hayley , I'm feeling a little sleepy " Josie said as she handed me Hayley carefully, "ok ay baby you rest" I said as I carefully carried Hayley . Josie fell asleep and then Lizzie , Mg, dr saltzman, Caroline, cami, uncle Elijah, uncle marcel , uncle kol , aunt davina,my dad, my mom , aunt freya , and aunt bex all came into the room. " shhhhhh" I said as I started rocking Eli and Hayley, "sorry " aunt bex said as she closed the door. "Josie is sleeping, and so are the twins so y'all need to be quiet " I said as I continued rocking the twins ,"so what did you name these beautiful baby's ? " my dad asked as he reached out to grab little Eli. I carefully handed him Eli and started to sway Hayley."ok so we named this little cutie  Hayley freya Mikaelson, after mom, and aunt freya " my mom and aunt freya both looked at me and then they hugged me ."thank you for naming them that hope " my mom said as she backed away ."now that little dude , Josie named him, she named him Eli Lucas mikaelson , she named him Eli after uncle Elijah, and Lucas after her dead uncle " I said as I rubbed Hayley's cheek. " remind me to thank josie when she wakes up from her nap" uncle Elijah said as he walked it to rub little Eli's cheek. "Will do uncle" I said , a nurse came in and took Hayley and Eli to get there newborn test done . She then came back and said that the twins are fine and so is josie so we can be released tomorrow. I can't wait to bring my new family back home .

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