Chapter 12: "you did it"

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Hopes POV :
I wake up to see Josie cuddling next to me , I look at the time and it was 6:18am I get up trying to not wake Josie up , I decided to talk to Alaric before class .i changed to my school uniform and wrote a quick note for Josie in case she wakes up when I'm gone .
"went to talk to your dad in his office , I'll come back in a bit ,
love you,
I left it by the counter where she can see it and left to Alaric's office, I knocked on the door "come in " i heard Alaric say . I opens the door and walked in , he was sitting on his desk fixing some paperwork,"I came to tell you that me and Josie completed the mating bond, and if you can , at least give us a week of of school do we can understand more about the mate bond " I say ,he thinks about it for a while before he began to speak "sure hope , me , freya and Elijah will study more into the bond , y'all can go to the back woods to use your powers and understand the transformation."  I nodded and walked to my room. I opened the door and I saw that Josie was still asleep , I took of my uniform and changed into some comfy clothes to wear outside and tried to wake Josie up "babe, wake up  " I shook her "baby" I said while I continued shaking her "not now Lizzie , let me sleep " she said half asleep "baby it's not Lizzie it's hope " I said , she slowly got up and sat down on the bed ."good morning baby " I said giving her a small smile "good morning babe " she said , she then ran into the restroom , I followed her and walked in on her throwing up again , probably the chicken is still affecting her ,I walked over and held her hair out of her face .I rubbed her back to comfort her , after a while she finished and she brushed her teeth , "so your dad let us have a week off of school so we could learn more about the mating bond " I said . She nodded and began to change into some clean clothes.
We were walking outside when out of the no where Lizzie popped out .before I said anything I got interrupted "shush it hope , i need to borrow my sister real quick " she said before she pulled Josie away from me.

Josie's POV:
Me and hope we're walking outside when all of the sudden Lizzie comes out of the nowhere ."shush it hope , I need to borrow my sister real quick " Lizzie said before she pulled me away from hope , I looked back and mouthed "sorry" she smiled and mouthed "meet me in the old mill" I nodded and turned to Lizzie. "where are you taking me ?"I asked , "to my room , we need to have twin bonding time since your always with your girlfriend " she said while she kept walking around the school ,"aren't you supposed to be in class ? " I asked her "no , this is my free period , now aren't you supposed to be in class ?" She asked me "I'll tell you later " I told her , she just shrugged and we continued walking , her still holding my hand.we finally got to her room and we both walked in ."ok so I need your help with something " Lizzie said , "what is it?" I asked her , curious of what she needed my help with ."so I have a date with mg who is a really nice guy and he said that he has a date planed for both of us and I want to ask him if he wants to be my boyfriend "she said turning to me ,"well if you like him and your sure about it , go for it " I said trying to make her less panicked then she already is , she nodded "now tell me what's going between you and hope , and please leave out THE parts , I don't want to hear what you two do behind close doors " she said "well she's just amazing , and well we found something out that I forgot to tell you " she instantly turned away from the mirror she was looking into and turned to face me "what is it ?" She asked exited , she then sat next to me "well we found out that me and hope have something called the "mate bond" and it's rare and well we're technically married " I said , nervous of what she's going to say "wait , your saying that you and hope are soulmates ?!?" She shrieks "yes?" "Oh my god , josette Olivia saltman , MY sister is married !?!?" She shrieked. "Yes?" I said "that is so cool , how does it work ?" Lizzie asked "well first we had to ummm , you know , and that means that you are engaged, now to compete everything you have to bite eachother, as a form of acceptance. And after that you both share powers , meaning I can turn into a wolf and she can syphon magic." I explained to Lizzie , she looked at me both in shock and confusion . After a few seconds of silence Lizzie started speaking. "Well I still need to get ready for my date and I need your help picking a dress" Lizzie said grabbing some dresses from her closet "ok" I said .

——A few moments later ——

Josie's POV:
After I helped Lizzie with her stuff for her date I walked back to the old mill where hope told me to meet her , I walked in to see hope on her phone texting someone , I walked up to her and kissed her cheek, trying to get her attention , she put her phone down and looked at me ."hello baby" she said standing up ,wrapping her hands around my waist "hey" I said ."you ready?" She asked ,"for what?" I asked her a bit confused ."well I'm going to teach you how to control your wolf " she said , I nodded and we walked further into the forest after we were deep enough inside the forest we stopped walking .

Hopes POV:
We stopped walking when we decided that it was deep enough where we couldn't harm anyone."ok so you need to take of your clothes unless you wanna be naked when you change back " I told Josie , she nodded and started to undress herself , after her shirt dropped she was fully naked ,I gave her a small smirk making her blush ."now when you wanna change , it will hurt , instead of fighting the pain , let it consume you. Let it all in and don't fight it , the more you fight it, the more it will hurt and the longer it will take .now before you foo that , I need to tell you something " this seemed to have scared her , I walked closer to her and hugged her , telling her it was not a bad thing."I was texting my dad and telling him about the bond , he said that he had read some books on it , that when both mates are in wolf form they will be able to hear eachothers thoughts and will be able to communicate with eachother with there minds " she looked up to me "wait, are you turning with me ? She asked "yes baby , I can't let you go though something so important alone , like I told you . I am here for anything and everything."after I said that I felt her lips crash into mine , I kissed back , showing the same amount of love into the kiss. I pulled away and she gave me a small pout ,she's so adorable when she does that ."we need to get back to your turning " I told her "ok" she said , I started to undress myself and folded my clothes into a pile and put it under a bush . "Ok now focus on my voice ,let your wolf take control, let it consume you " I then started to hear bones cracking , Josie started to scream out on pain , this just broke my heart "focus on my voice , don't fight it , let it consume you , let it free" after I finished my sentence I heard her scream out in pain and I then saw a black wolf , she did it .I quickly transformed and I walked up to her , touching her nose to mine . "You did it" I said in my head , she heard me and answered "I did it , oh my god I can't believe I actually did it" she said before she started going in circles .

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