Chapter 16- "wait twins ?"

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Hopes POV:
I was walking through mystic falls trying to get back to the Salvatore school, I know they won't remember me but hopefully I can help them with a spell to make them remember, I eventually find my way back and I open the gates , I walk all the way it the drive way , I open the doors and walk to Alaric's office , I knocked on the door waiting for a response "come in " I hear Alaric say , I open the door and see both Alaric and Josie , I see that Josie's stomach is huge , wait is she pregnant? , of course she moved on , I was gone for 6 months and she doesn't remember me   ,Josie's eyes then meet mine and I can't look away , I missed her eyes , the way she laughs , the way she smells , the way she smiles, I just missed her . "Who are you " Alaric says , jumping in front of Josie , protecting her from me ."Alaric I know you don't remember me but please I need you to trust me and believe that I won't harm anyone " said putting my hand up in the air . He then got his phone out and started texting someone, after a few seconds my aunt freya and Lizzie burst through the door ."who are you ?" Freya asked me "I know you don't remember me aunt freya but I'm your niece , I know it's impossible but Hayley is my mom and klaus is my dad " I said trying to get them to somehow remember me ."is you really are a mikaelson , then answer these questions , what type of supernatural am I ?, what type of supernatural is klaus ? , who is Hayley dating? , and finish this sentence "always and-" freya said "you are a mikaelson witch , my dad is the original hybrid, my mom is in love with uncle Elijah, and the sentence is "always and forever " , I also know that uncle kol married aunt davina even tho she wanted y'all dead , you married aunt keelin and you have a kid named nik after my dad " I said , she looked at me in shock and then she hugged me . "You are a mikaelson ,now I think I know a spell to bring everyone's memories " freya then swinger her arms and then casted a spell "Harae-tamai Kioku Yomigaerashi-tamae!" Then I passed out.

Josie's POV:
"I think I know a spell to bring everyone's memories " freya said before she swinger her arms and then casted a spell "Harae-tamia kioku yomogaerashi-tamae!" Then we all passed out . I woke up and then everything clicked , hope , she's back , I then stood up and started looking for her "Hope " I said "yes?" She asked getting up from the floor "baby I remember " I said as I stood up to walk to her ."you remember?" She asked ,"yes baby I remember everything " I said as I grabbed her and pressed my lips against hers , I miss them , she quickly kissed back , she then pulled away , she then turned to look at freya ,Lizzie and my dad getting up "hey mikaelson glad to have you back " Lizzie said as she was getting up , then my dad and freya got up , we all hugged hope in a big hug "glad to have you back kiddo" freya said as she rubbed hope in the head "thanks aunt freya" hope said as she hugged freya again . "Hope I need to speak to you " I said ,she modded and we walked to a mini office that was connected to my dads office "I get it you moved on , your dating someone new and you want to break up " hope said while looking down , "what , no I don't wanna break up with you , I didn't find someone new , and I never moved on from you " I said as I grabbed her head lifting it up so her eyes can meet mine "I wanted to speak to you because I'm pregnant with your kids , I must have been pregnant before you jumped into malivore " I explained "so I'm going to be a "dad "?" Hope asked getting exited "yes , hope your going to be a dad to twins " I said rubbing her cheek "wait twins ?" She asked shocked "yeah , one boy ,one girl" I said as I rubbed my tummy , hope then keeled down and grabbed my stomach "hey baby's , here's momma speak, I'm sos sorry I wasn't here for y'all before , but I'm here now and I will never let y'all go " she then kissed my stomach and stood back up "I will never leave you or our kids ever again " she said before she pulled me into a soft and tender kiss "promise , because I can't lose you again " I said wrapping my arms around her neck ."I promise " she said before she polluted me into another kiss.

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