Chapter 5- "Tell me everything "

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Josie's POV:
Me and hope were walking back to the school before curfew ,I still couldn't believe that hope even asked me to be her girlfriend , I'm the luckiest girl alive , I couldn't stop staring at how beautiful hope was, "stop staring you look creepy " I heard hope say , I looked up at her and saw that she was doing my favorite smirk "I'm not staring , I'm admiring " I said with a soft smile , she leaned down and gave me a kiss , I didn't want it to end but we both needed oxygen. We where in the hallway where my room was located , before I realized what she was doing i was in her arms , she carried me to my room and opened the door with a spell , she walked in with me still in her arms , "what in the hell is going on ?" I hear Lizzie say , I quickly jumped out of hopes arms and looked a Lizzie "uhhh nothing, just that hope found me in the library half asleep and decided to bring me to my room " I lied , she shook her head , I think she believed it "well thanks for Bringing me to my room hope " I said I turned to look at hope and I mouthed "I'll see you tomorrow " and gave her a smile , she nodded her head and gave me a quick smirk before leaving . She closed the door behind her and then I heard Lizzie "tell me everything " , I looked at her "what do you mean I lied "oh come on Josie , you don't make me stupid , I'm your twin for God's sake .so , what's going on between you and hope ?" She asked "well Lizzie , i love her , she makes me feel free and happy , when I'm with her I always feel something i never felt before , every time I see her , i feel butterflies explode in my stomach " I said while walking to my bed to sit next to Lizzie "well it sounds like you really love her " Lizzie said "yes , I do " I said . She gave me a long hug before she started speaking about how there was a party Friday and that it would be by the old mill , she started begging me to come with her I gave up and finally said yes .she then left my room because curfew , i decided to text hope and check up on her
Josie: did you make it back to your room safely?

Hope: yes princess

Josie : i love the sound of that word "princess ", so there's a party this Friday and Lizzie asked me to come with her , i had to say yes , but do you wanna come with me ?

Josie : plus Lizzie found out about us

Hope: i don't know princess , parties aren't really my thing , and so Lizzie is ok with us dating ?

Josie : please baby , I don't wanna be there by myself , plus I need someone to help me take drunk Lizzie back to her room , and surprisingly she is ok with us

Hope:I don't know princess

Josie: please 🥺

Hope: fine but I better be getting something in return 🥴

Josie: like 😏

Hope : I could think of a few things , we might need to stretch first 🥴

Josie : well then , I can't wait for Friday 🥵

Hope : goodnight princess

Josie: goodnight baby

I was really tired and I got up and brushed my teeth , I then got comfy in bed and I fell asleep .

Hopes POV:
After a few minutes of getting back to my room Josie started texting me honestly I was surprised that Lizzie was ok with me dating her sister , and me and Josie made plans for Friday night , I told her a goodnight and then I fell asleep .

————————skip to Friday —————————
Josie's POV:
I was freaking out about what I was going to wear , I was still debating about what to wear "just wear the black long sleeve crop top with your necklaces and your scale vest " Lizzie said , Josie decided to wear what Lizzie suggested.

Hopes POV : it was about 45 minutes before the party started , I decided to have a quick shower before changing and picking up josie , Lizzie was going with mg a very nice and caring vampire ,he was my friend ever since he got to this school . I decided to wear a blue navy shirt with some pants , I also decided to wear my leather jacket that my dad got me before he left . I looked at the time and decided to go pick Josie up , I made a quick spell and then some sunflowers were in my hand , I knew that Josie's favorite flower was a sunflower . I knocked on the room right next to mine , Josie's room .Josie opened the door  and my jaw hit the floor ,she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a scale looking vest , you could see her abs ,"hello beautiful " I hear Josie say "hello gorgeous" I say pulling her in for a kiss , "here these are for you " I said , handing her the sunflowers "oh my god hope these are my favorite " I hear her say while she grabbed them she did a quick spell and put the flowers in a vase "you ready to go princess ?" I asked Josie "yes I am baby " I hear her say , I grabbed her hand and we walked to the party .

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