The Feds

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Jay sat on his desk with his head hung low, while he tried to figure out how to help a person who doesn't want his help. Suddenly, the sound of the metal door buzzing open echoed through the second floor. Jay looked up from his desk to see Sgt. Voight walking up the stairs. His eyes followed the sergeant into his office, then he took a deep breath and stood up from his seat. He knocked on Sgt. Voight's door.. Voight puts a folder that he was reading down and looks at Jay. "I think Hailey's gone rogue," Jay confessed. "Hm," Sgt. Voight says nonchalantly. "That's all you can say?!" Jay's voice began to rise. "Jay, I will handle it," the older man reassured with too much calmness in his voice. The lack of urgency in his tone made Jay feel like his sergeant didn't even care. "Like Vanessa's case?" Jay's eyes narrowed. Sgt. Voight suddenly stood up from his seat as he opened his locked drawer, pulled a folder out, and tossed it on his desk. The word 'CONFIDENTIAL' was stamped in red across the cover. Jay immediately realized that it was the same folder as he saw when he and Hailey were summoned by Sgt. Voight into his office a while back.

"What is that?" Jay asks in confusion. Sgt. Voight doesn't reply as he just hands Jay the file. Jay eyed Sgt. Voight warily , but he still grabbed the folder out of his hand. He opened it and Vanessa's picture was the first thing that caught his attention. After reading the contents of the folder, Jay looked up at Sgt. Voight with wide eyes. "The feds? She's working for the feds?" Jay asks in astonishment. Sgt. Voight nods and says, "When she went under in her last case with us. William Jackson is connected to a bigger cartel group and the feds are trying to ID a major player there. Vanessa was already in and she had the skills for undercover work, so they talked to her about going under longer, she agreed." Jay immediately scrunched his forehead and asked, "And you agreed? Just like that?" Sgt. Voight sighed and sat back down on his seat. "It was what she wanted and it was also good for her career," Sgt. Voight says.

"So why didn't you tell Hailey?" Jay questioned. "We couldn't tell anyone about it," Sgt. Voight remarked. This immediately confused Jay. "So, why tell me?" Jay asked]. "I never told you anything. I showed you," Sgt. Voight  says. Jay immediately took this as a signal to keep this a secret. He nodded his head and went back to his desk. The new information that he just received gave him more determination to get a hold of Hailey. He immediately took out his phone from his back pocket and dialedHailey's number. It rang continuously , but no one picked up. He let out a frustrated sigh and tossed his phone onto his desk. What was she up to? Why was she pushing him away again? As more and more questions formed in Jay's mind, Jay started to feel defeated, but he suddenly remembered what he just did a while ago. He swiftly grabbed his phone and scanned through his photos. He uploaded the newest one into his computer and immediately ran it through their facial recognition software.

Jay waited a few moments for the software to do its job. The circle on the loading screen kept spinning and spinning then it stopped. Jay's attention immediately zeroed in on his computer screen. 'Omar Adom Zidan' Jay read the name on the screen. His hand dragged the mouse to find out more information, he clicked on something and was presented t with a notice saying that it was inaccessible. This made Jay raise his eyebrow as he tried to navigate through the system again, but the results remained unchanged. He frustratedly laid back against his chair, he looked around the empty bullpen as he tried to cool off. He looked at Sgt. Voight's office for a while and he eventually decided to ask him for help. As Jay stood up from his chair, the metal door leading downstairs buzzed open. His head snapped at the stairs to see who was coming up. His eyes met with Sgt. Platt's as she says, "The feds are here."

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