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She could hear the loud thumps of her heart pounding in her chest. The environment around her became muffled as her mind raced across various possibilities and solutions. For a moment her heartbeat and her breathing were all her ears could catch, until she finally settled with an action to take. Adrenaline fueled Hailey as her legs carried her to the man standing in the middle of the airport. "Ugh!," The blonde stopped in her tracks as she watched Barnes get tackled to the ground with Jay struggling to get the detonator away from Barnes's hand. Gathering her wits together, she quickly rushed to aid Jay. When Jay finally managed to wind his legs around Barnes's torso and put him in a headlock, Hailey quickly snatched the detonator out of the man's grasp. "What took you so long?" Jay teased. "Shut up," Hailey almost hissed. "She was staring into my beautiful green eyes." Jay knew he had the last word r as a frown immediately appeared on Hailey's face. Before she could even throw a remark of her own, she saw two familiar people running towards them. "We're not done." Jay gave her a small grin, completely ignoring her words. She rolled her eyes at this. "Hey, you sure, you got this?" Hailey heard Maggie's voice from her side asking her partner for reassurance, but the hint of teasing didn't get past Hailey's ears.

Hailey watched OA crouch down by Barnes, he looked over the vest. "Hey, Chicago. Do you have a knife or anything sharp?" Hailey quietly took a pocket knife out and handed it to him. She watched as he diffused the explosive device. It took a few seconds for OA to give the concern group an update on what he was doing. Maggie and Hailey trusted OA but they couldn't help the gulp of their throats as they slowly began to feel nervous for their companion. Then, a sudden snap reached their ears and their brains almost began preparing for the worst until they heard the sigh of relief from OA. "You were worried weren't you?" He teased as he stood from his position and gave Jay space to place the guy in handcuffs.

The banter among the three started as Jay read the Miranda Rights to the arrested suspect. "Maybe a little. You lost your touch before so," Maggie shrugged at her comment which received a chuckle from Hailey. "Seriously? You two just can't be put together or I'll never hear the end of it." OA approached the women and handed Hailey back her pocket knife.  "We should totally be partnered up more often," Hailey taunted the tall man. "Ok, that's it. We have a flight to catch," OA said, trying to end the endless conversation that was about to come. Both women knew he was right, they both chuckled and bid each other goodbye. "That was a fun way to end our trip here." OA broke off their hug, while Hailey's shoulder started to shake from her laughter. "Come to New York again, the FBI would love to welcome you back." Hailey quickly glanced at Jay who's face already fell from OA's comment. "Nah, I'm already home." OA knew what she was talking about since 'he' was all she talked about when she was with him. "Take care, Chicago," he looked at Jay who was by the suspect, "The FBI will get her soon."

A chuckle escaped Hailey. "Alright, alright. Go catch your flight." She guided OA away from the scene. "Nice to meet you, Mags. Good luck with him." She received a light laugh from Maggie. "Yeah, I need all of it." "Alright, enough. Let's go." OA quickly marched ahead. "Bye, Hails." Maggie bid and jogged towards OA. Hailey turned back to see Jay getting Barnes off the ground. They transported the suspect back to the district and immediately put him into booking. "Hey, Jay," Sgt. Platt called as he got down the steps from the holding cells. Hailey quickly exchanged looks with him to see if everything was alright. He gave her a small nod and they both parted ways. She hesitated for a bit but quickly felt stupid for worrying over nothing. Hailey then went up the stairs and mentally listed the things she had left to finish for the day. Back at the district's front desk, Sgt. Platt watched Hailey as she disappeared up the staircase. "Coast clear?" Jay asked. Sgt. Platt nodded and took a paper bag out from under her desk. A smile appeared on Jay's face as he thanked the sergeant, took the bag, and followed his long-time partner.

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