Federal Crime

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The FBI agents were now gathered around in the bullpen along with the intelligence unit. "We tried looking through nearby POD cams, any cameras that had a view of the parade, there were no Barnes in any of them." Kim reported to the group. "My agents said that Barnes's social media page went quiet." Isobel chimed in. "Witnesses said that they didn't see anything suspicious before the parade." While Kevin said this, Jay looked at his phone as a notification caused its screen to light up . "William Davis, the kid with the bomb, is in the interrogation room." Jay relayed the content of the text. "Upton and OA," Sgt. Voight pointed towards the interrogation rooms and received nods from the pair . The two made their way to the room as their partners followed them close by. "So, how do you wanna do this? Good cop, bad cop?" OA asked as he placed his gun at one of the lockers. "Yeah, I think we can do that. I'm good cop, though, since we had an interaction before this." Hailey said as she shut her locker. "I was good cop once when you were in New York," OA complained as he followed the blonde to interrogation. "Well, you gotta step up your game then," Hailey replied as she reached the front of the door. "She's right, you know," Maggie commented as she and Jay approached the two. "Really? You two are ganging up on me now?" OA asked. "Maybe. You ready?" Hailey asked. She got a nod from OA as the other two made their way to the observation room. She opened the door into the interrogation room and put her game face on.

"Mr. Davis. I'm Agent Zidan, this is Detective Upton." OA introduced as he and Hailey sat down opposite the boy. William didn't look up and continued to fiddle with his thumbs. OA looked at Hailey and a plan was exchanged. "We just wanna ask you a few questions, is that alright?" Hailey gently asked. As opposed to what OA received from him, Hailey got a nod. "Ok, who was your accomplice?" OA asked. The boy glanced up for a few moments and back down at his thumbs. "What makes you think I didn't work alone?" He mumbled. "Because we read your record and there was nothing on you, not even a parking ticket. So, the question is who made you do it?" OA asked. "I don't know," William replied. "Ok, William." This made the boy look up at the tall man in front of him. "I'm not like her. I'm not a detective in the CPD, but I am an FBI agent from New York, and lying to an FBI agent is a federal crime, so you wanna try again?" OA stated. "I told you I have no idea who it was." The tone of William's reply made Hailey step in. "Did you know what he wanted to do?" William's eyes shifted to Hailey and he shook his head. "Do you remember what he looked like?" The boy's eyes met hers again. She saw the fear he had when he was in the middle of the parade. He nodded his head to her question. "I swear I didn't mean to do it. This man just approached me and he knew me like I was his friend, then he started talking about how no one's listening to how our climate is changing and all that. After he spoke about that, he told me a plan on how to make people listen and that's how I ended up in the middle of that parade. I didn't know what made me do it." Hailey and OA looked at each other with sympathy in their eyes as they bore witness to another victim of manipulation.

"Where did he approach you?" Hailey asked. "At a coffee shop near the parade," William answered. "Where did he take you to put that vest on?" "Uhmm... He took me to this alley beside the coffee shop where he had a van parked inside," the teenager responded. Hailey and OA looked at each other as they heard this information. A knock disrupted the continuance of the interrogation. Both of the law enforcers' attention shifted to the door. Jay's head popped in, his eyes landed on his partner's. Small nods were exchanged between the couple. "Sit tight, Mr. Davis. We'll come back when we have more questions." OA bid farewell as he stood from his seat. Jay held the door open for the both of them as they exited the room. "Kevin said he saw a van parked when he was searching for witnesses nearby," Jay informed the two. "Ok, let's go." The four of them rushed out of the district to join the others in getting to the van in the alley.

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