Casual Thing

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The tension around the blonde and the brunette have finally been cleared. They were now deep in a conversation. This was mostly just the man catching the woman up on the case at hand because she wouldn't stop asking him. "...And that's how we found you guys." A knock suddenly interrupted their chat. "Hey, Hailey. Little brother," a redhead doctor greeted as he made his way in. "Hey, Will," Both Hailey and Jay responded simultaneously with a chuckle from both of them accompanying their greeting. An immediate smile crept onto Will's face at how cute the two were being. "Well, I just wanted to come by to let Hailey know that she's being discharged tonight." "Finally, thanks Will," he received a joyous reply from his patient. "No problem. I'll see you guys soon and hopefully it won't be in here," Will started to make his way out of the room. "No promises on that," Jay called out before Will could exit the room. "Jay!" Will heard Hailey's voice as he glanced back at the two just in time to see her playfully smacking Jay's arm because of his comment. His eyes landed on his little brother's emerald ones and he gave him a happy smile and nod before leaving the two alone.

As the night sky took over the city of Chicago, Hailey started packing her things since it was time for her to go home. "Here let me help you," Jay said as he grabbed the other side of Hailey's coat and helped her put it on. Even though Hailey could very much put on her coat by herself, she still smiled at his gesture and let him help her. This side of Jay was never new to her. She always knew that he had this from the way he wears his big heart on his sleeve to how he treats the people he interacted with. As she gazed into his green eyes after he finished helping her, she knew that he was the man of her childhood dreams and he was never going to be like her father. Jay's gentle smile appeared on his face. "You ready to go?" Hailey nodded her head and laced her fingers with his. "Let's go home." They made their way to Jay's gray truck. Jay, being the gentleman, opened the car door for Hailey and helped her in. He then gently closed the door keeping in mind that Hailey doesn't do yelling nor slamming. The car ride home was in a comfortable silence. The blonde and the brunette stole glances at each other like they used to before they were even together. Their hands were still wrapped around each other feeling the need to feel each other's warmth.

As they neared Hailey's place, the said woman received a message. She took her phone out and her eyes glimmered with happiness. "What's up?" Jay glanced at his side and back at the road. "It's Vanessa," Hailey said through her smile. "She and Kev took Lizzie out for dinner. She's gonna bring her back home after that and she— Oh." "What?" Jay's voice was suddenly laced with concern. Hailey lets out a little chuckle at Jay's sudden concernment, "and she's staying with Kev tonight." Jay nodded his head, "So, they're a thing now?" Hailey slowly looked at Jay as he parked the car at the front of her house. "What?" Jay asked as he noticed Hailey looking at him. "Really, Jay? You couldn't see their chemistry together? How they would look at each other? How they were just working together?" Jay looked back at the times when the team were all together in the bullpen or at Molly's, but he couldn't seem to notice anything since all he could was Hailey's magnificent ocean blue eyes. He looked at Hailey with apologetic eyes, "Well, to be fair it took me a long while to see that the right woman for me was right in front of me this whole time." Hailey was taken by surprise and her words couldn't seem to form in her mouth. Jay chuckled and gave her a peck on the cheek before exiting the car and helping a speechless Hailey out.

"Why don't you clean up and I'll cook us dinner," Hailey agreed with Jay's suggestion and went to change her clothes. As he watched her go into the other room, instant realization fell on him. 'I can't cook.' His eyes darted around his girlfriend's dimly lit apartment. He made his way over to her kitchen and took out his phone. He started searching recipes online as he searched through her cupboards and refrigerator. After a while, Jay heard the bedroom door creak open. He looked up from the mess he made in the kitchen to find Hailey in a green hoodie that looked very familiar and then it hit him. "Is that my favorite hoodie that I was looking for all this time and you told me you didn't know where it was?" Hailey had a playful smile on her face as she made her way towards the kitchen. "Maybe," she teased. She sat on a bar stool that overlooked what Jay was doing on the other side.

"Woah." Hailey looked around her kitchen. "Dude, what did you do?" Jay stood in front of her as he placed both his hands onto the counter sighing in defeat. "I tried to cook, but I just couldn't... there's too many stuff to do," he said as his eyes averted hers, the tips of his ears turning into a light shade of red. A smile quickly grew on Hailey's face, then a chuckle escaped her. "Well, at least you're a gentleman and all," she waved her hands around to signify everything else that Jay is. "Well, maybe you should teach me how to—" he swung his hands around his mess as he didn't know how to describe what he was doing in the first place. "Yeah," Hailey stood from her seat and circled her way to meet Jay in the kitchen. "Maybe I will, but not now though cause I'm starving." She stole a quick kiss from Jay and started prepping a dish as he stepped aside to watch her. That kiss was swift, but for the both of them it was already becoming a casual thing between them. It also might've replaced their moments of gazing into each other's mesmerizing eyes, but not entirely since that would always be their thing.

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