No Reason

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Hopeful thoughts were thrown out the window once they heard of the plans of the man standing in front of them. A mischievous smile grew across Clinton's face. He was finding joy in their situation; he finally got a chance to let his master plan play out. "Why us?" Hailey's stern voice echoed through the damp walls. "No reason," Clinton shrugged. "I just wanted to have fun." Clinton happily skipped back to his wooden chair and sat down. He looked back and forth from the blonde to the brunette before giving them a mocking smirk.  His eyes landed on the detective and they sparkled as if he had remembered a precious memory.  "I just wanna get something straight. You went to detective Jay Halstead's apartment, right?" Clinton asks. Hailey's eyes grew wide from the mention of Jay's name. 'He knows where Jay lives, he could easily kill him if he wanted to.' Images of splattered blood on wooden floors with Jay slowly bleeding to death filled her mind; Hailey felt her muscles tense even more.  "You know, he followed you to where you met this Middle Eastern guy in a fancy suit," Clinton added. Hailey's head snapped up. 'Jay followed me? He went where she went.' This realization started to bring hope to Hailey's eyes. "But, he lost you when you took that left turn in a hurry. He doesn't know where you are," Clinton's voice rang through Hailey's ears. The glimmer in her eyes slowly vanished. Barnes stood up from his seat and made his way towards Hailey. He crouched down in front of her and said, "You pushed him away and now he's gone."

"No," Hailey immediately argued. "He's out there looking for me, because I'm his partner. I'm the love of his life and no one can change that." Regret was now coursing through Hailey's veins. She suddenly felt Clinton's hand brush her cheek as he tucked a loose golden lock behind her ear. She forcefully moved her head away from his hand and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her captor in the eyes. He didn't flinch. He just looked at her like she was a magnificent sight to look at. "He's never gonna find you and that's a fact," the man stated. He felt a sudden vibration from his pocket and took a phone out. His alarm just went off. "Alright!" he exclaimed" Don't miss me. I will be back before you know it," he softly says as he caressed Hailey's cheek, but then again his hand was rejected by the swift movement of Hailey's head. His smile disappeared as a look of determination grew on his face. He stood up from his position and dragged the wooden chair out the room. The muffled sound of keys jingling was heard as the captor locked his prisoners in the room again.

Hailey could feel Vanessa's reprimanding eyes burning into her soul. "I was looking for you," the blonde tried explaining without making any eye contact. "That's a stupid excuse," Vanessa scolded. "I was trying to keep him safe," Hailey argued as she finally met Vanessa's criticizing eyes. "From what I know, he is safer when he's with you. You're each other's anchor and who knows what Jay is doing right now without his," Vanessa stated. Hailey's eyes shifted to the ground as her regret started to eat her up. Vanessa sighed. Even though she still wanted to scold Hailey, she knew that Hailey was already torturing herself. Vanessa scanned the room for anything they could use to break free, but there wasn't anything. Just when it seemed all was lost, her eyes suddenly landed on the rusty pipe that held her captive. Her head snapped back to Hailey. "Hail!" she loudly whispered. Her best friend didn't budge. She had a lost expression on her face, she was deep in her thoughts. "Hailey Anne Upton!" the urgency in Vanessa's voice snapped Hailey out of her thoughts. She looked at her companion still with the gloomy expression on her face. "I think I can break my pipe. It's rusty," Vanessa says in a hush tone. Hailey's eyes sparked again as she regained hope in their escape. Her head snapped at her pipe, but a frown immediately formed on her face. Her pipe had no hint of rusting anytime soon. She looked at Vanessa again with the little hope she had in her eyes and nodded her head giving her the indication to try her plan even if she knew that she might not be able to join her.

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