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A blonde woman laid on a bed. She stretched her body as she stirred to life. Her hand started searching the opposite side of the bed for something— someone. Her eyes slowly opened as she couldn't feel what she was looking for. She sat up and scanned her bedroom. The morning sun was shining through the window by her side. There was nothing out of the ordinary in her bedroom. Her sights landed on the bathroom door that was slightly ajar. Her eyebrows furrowed as she knew that Jay doesn't like leaving the bathroom door open when he's inside. "Jay?" her anxious voice called out for her lover. The sudden smell of fried eggs hit her senses. 'I thought he couldn't cook.' Memories of last night's endeavor flashed across her mind. 'Oh no.' She quickly got out of bed and stopped in front of her bedroom door. 'Please, don't be a mess, please.' She calmed her anxious heart and walked out of her bedroom. She got down to the first floor and peered into the kitchen.

To her surprise, Jay had a smile and a concentrated look on his face. The newly cooked eggs were on a plate that was situated at the countertop bar. 'He can cook?' She began to wonder if what happened last night was just a hoax. She made her way to the kitchen as she knew that standing a few feet away from Jay wouldn't help her stop wondering. "I thought you couldn't cook," her approaching voice made Jay's head jolt towards her. " Hi," Jay responded with a soft smile on his face. "Well, good morning to you too, sunshine." Hailey lightly chuckled at another one of his new nicknames for her and replied, "Yes, good morning to my wonderful boyfriend who can actually cook." Jay immediately raised his spatula to his side, "I can't cook dinner, but I can cook breakfast, like eggs and bacon." He was met with an unimpressed expression from Hailey. "Ok, I rarely make lunch or dinner at home, it's usually takeout or vending machine food, so I usually have no idea how to cook those. Good enough?" He continued his defense trying to reason out his truth. A sly smile appeared on Hailey's face. "Not if this breakfast is bad." "Well, I'll have you know that I have received great feedback from people who ate the breakfast I have created for them," Jay countered. Hailey raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "Is this "people" your brother?"

"No, not really," Jay replied. Hailey found it hard to believe, so she questioned, "Really?" Jay just nodded his head as he placed a few slices of bacon on each plate in front of her. "Yep, because after you eat that, you're gonna be the next person to give me a great review." Hailey erupted with laughter. "Yeah, sure. We'll have to see about that." She sat on one of the barstools and took her first bites of the food in front of her. Jay watched as her eyes widened and a "mmm" escaped her, then she took another bite. He beamed at her expression. Based solely on that, he decided that he had enough to confirm that the breakfast he cooked was delicious. His eyes suddenly met hers. "Why have you never cooked this for me before?" She asked through her mouth full of eggs. "Good question. If you'd look at it, we usually get coffee at our favorite local coffee shop nearby or... we just sleep in 'till lunch." His emerald eyes glimmered as he remembered their shared nights and mornings together. Hailey shyly chuckles at his response. The man started putting the dishes he used into the sink behind him. Jay's phone by his plate on the counter suddenly illuminated a new message. Hailey's eyes glanced at his phone and his eyes widened in surprise. "When did you and OA meet?" Jay spun to face Hailey. "Hm?" "You got a message from him," Hailey informed. "Ohh, yeah. I forgot to mention that when you were in the hospital. He's one of the FBI agents that came to help with the case," Jay said. "Mhm, sure..." She stared at his emerald eyes as she read his face. "Jay, are you jealous?" A knowing look was already spread across her face.

Jay quickly grabbed his phone and read the message to simply have a reason to avoid Hailey's question. "Jay," he heard her eager voice. The voice she uses whenever she already knew the answer to a question, but she still wanted to hear you say it. He looked up from his phone, "He said Voight wants us in ASAP to dig up on where Barnes could be." She still had her knowing smile on her face. "And you still didn't answer my question." Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "What question?" He asked, acting like he didn't hear her a few seconds ago. "Jay!" Hailey exclaimed. "What?" He asked, still continuing his act. "I need to clean up and you need to finish your food." He knew she wasn't going to let this go, but it was fun for him to pretend that he didn't know what she wanted. A soft thump on the floor indicated that Hailey just hopped off her stool and the approaching soft footsteps told him, she was making her way by his side to further get an answer out of him. A sudden electric jolt surprised him and made his head snap towards the culprit. She tickled him and her adorable guilty look— that only he could see— was smeared across her face.

"No," Hailey said, knowing what the playful look on his face meant. "But you kinda started it," Jay said as he placed both his hands on her arms. "Jay..." She was already backing away from him. A smirk appeared on his face, no way was she going to get away with this. "Jay, I love you so much. You don't really have to do this." He was slowly following her as she retreated, his smirk still on his face. "I love you too, Hails—" "You still have to do the dishes," Hailey interrupted. She knew she was running out of space to withdraw as she stood halfway from the staircase. "Well, which do you think I care about more?" It only took the tall man a few steps to get in front of her and his arms were now wrapped around her waist. Hailey was surprised by his swift movement and now she was trapped under his hold. This would have been her favorite part, but not when Jay had that smirk on his face. "Jay, I was just kidding... and we still have to go to work." Her eyes widened as she felt his hands lower. She was suddenly lifted off the ground and into Jay's arms. He was staring into her azure eyes with so much lust and love. "Five minutes."

A Blessing in Disguise 5 | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now