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Patrol officers of the 21st district lined by the front desk of the district. The officers of the first watch were turning in their police radio to Sgt. Platt, while the ones for the second watch were coming in. Some carried a cup of coffee or a bag of takeouts with them as others carried their bags filled with the things they needed for the day. The sergeant by the front desk just finished up with her task as two detectives made their way up the steps. "Morning, sarge," the brunette man greeted her. "Halstead," a hint of a smile appeared on her face as she greeted the detective in her own way. The detectives approached the sergeant and placed a tray of coffees on her desk. "We got you coffee," the blonde woman took a cup off the disposable tray and pushed it in front of the older woman. "What's gotten into you, Upton?" Trudy took a sip of her drink, while still reading both of their expressions. "Can't we just give you a cup of coffee because we wanted to?" Hailey tried defending her case. "The look on your face does not help, you know," the older woman still looked suspicious of the two. This took Hailey aback since as far as she knew, Lizzie and Vanessa were the only ones who knew about that. But, she also knew that these three kept close contact when the topic was about her and Jay. "Alright, what did they tell you?" Her tone told the sergeant that she knew what was happening. The older woman leaned towards her desk. "Hailey, I've been in this job longer than you and your partner have been, so the question you should be asking is 'How did they know where to look?'."

Both of Hailey's eyebrows raised in shock. She heard her boyfriend's soft chuckle by her side and she immediately gave him a side glare. He put his hands up in surrender, barely holding back his laughter. Hailey looked back at her sergeant, who took another sip from her coffee. A pair of patrol officers appeared beside the two detectives and started conversing with their desk sergeant. This gave the detectives the cue to head upstairs, knowing that they couldn't do that all day. Jay opened the metal cage-like door and held it for Hailey to head up first. "Dude, you gotta tell me what I keep giving away with my look." Hailey spun around to face Jay after walking a few feet away from the top of the staircase. She watched him as he close the distance between them. It was obvious he was still holding back his laugh from before."Jay, seriously, just tell me." A soft chuckle escaped him, "Alright, alright—" The sound of Hailey's phone ringing interrupted his statement. "Ugh, why do phones keep interrupting us?" Hailey rolled her eyes in frustration. "Well at least now it's not my fault," Jay quickly pecked the crown of his girlfriend's head. Hailey took her phone out. This time, the sound of chuckling came from her as she saw the caller ID.

"Don't tell me that you already miss working here." She answered her phone. She swiveled to face Jay. He was now seated at his desk watching her talk on the phone. It was taking a long while for OA to respond which made the two detectives' playful expressions turn into a concerned one. Hailey furrowed her eyebrows as all she was hearing on the other end were the muffled sound of whispers and breathing. She started thinking that OA must have mistakenly called her, but her subconscious also told her that it wouldn't hurt to ask about his well-being. "OA?" "Hailey," she heard his voice and immediately calmed down, but it was only for a millisecond as she heard a hint of panic in his voice. "Hailey, Barnes is in the airport, we lost sight of him just a few minutes ago. Get your team and bomb squad here." Her blue eyes met her partner's green ones. Jay immediately stood from his seat, giving her a nod to indicate he was ready to go. "Ok, we're on our way." She quickly navigated her phone as she gave out orders, "We need to call Voight and the bomb squad. Barnes is in the airport." "Ok, I'm calling sarge," While they contacted the necessary people, they also started making their way down to the parking lot.

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