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The couple leaned against the gray truck, sharing a silent moment of watching the passersby.  "Boss wants us back in the district." Adam's voice dragged them back from their own world.   Jay took one last glance at Hailey and called out to her as her hand reached for the truck's door.  "Hey," His emerald eyes met her sapphire ones. "I just wanna say that, I'm never going to be jealous of anybody else because I know that we'd follow each other." The last phrase made Hailey's cheek fire up; a bright smile appeared across her face . "Shut up and drive us to the district." She opened the truck door and got in without waiting for any reply from Jay. Through the front windshield, Jay could see how Hailey was still blushing. He had a witty smile on his face as he too got into the truck. He started the ignition and looked at Hailey. "So, madam, are you new in this city?" He mimicked a taxi driver. A small chuckle escaped her and she deliberated whether she'd play along. After a few moments, she made a decision. "I may be new here, what would you recommend for sightseeing?" It was like something just sparked inside of Jay as he started driving the truck to their designated destination. "Well, there are a lot of beautiful sights to see in Chicago, but our first stop is going to be the 21st district police station, then maybe tonight, your bedroom might be a wonderful sight to visit too." An impressed look was sprawled across Hailey's face, she wasn't surprised that Jay went there, but she was impressed that he could just easily insert that into their conversations.

The little exchange between the couple lasted as long as it took Jay to drive to the district. It was admirable how he could lengthen the drive time from the parade to the district. He drove slower than usual, stopped during the yellow light, and anything else that he could possibly think of to achieve his goal. However, they still arrived at the district a few minutes later than the actual arrival time. Hailey felt a bit down, knowing that they were forced back to square one again. Looking at the brunette on her side, a small wave of relief washed her worries. She knew that she wasn't alone; she had good people around her. She felt a small warmth in her heart at this knowledge. As she got lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice him putting the gear into park and his eyes landing directly at her. "Admiring my beauty?" He asked, discreetly puffing out his chest at her. "Yeah, no. And don't think that I don't see you trying to show off there." She was caught, but she wasn't going down that easily. "Yeah, sure, but it's all over your face." That was it, Jay got the last words as he stepped out of the truck with a proud smile on his face. Hailey sighed in defeat, cursing at her face for betraying herself. The car door beside her opened and Jay greeted her. "M'lady." Her heart fluttered with his new way of greeting her out of the car. He did it a hundred times before, and she didn't know why her heart was doing this right now. She just rolled her eyes to mask what was going through her being right now. She hopped off the car and as Jay closed the door, he glanced at her for a moment. With that, she saw how he knew what that comment did to her. "Gosh," she felt her cheeks prick with heat so she accompanied her exclaim with an eye roll, walking past him, and into the district.

She knew he was just a few steps behind her as she could hear the metal door separating the insides and out of the district gently close shut. What she didn't expect was his arm wrapping around her waist that quickly. "Ok, Mr. Long legs. We're at work," her hand met his on her waist as she gently removed his arm around her. Instant regret filled  her as she immediately missed his warmth on her body. "Ok, Mrs. Halstead. I'm gonna head up with my long legs now, hope you can catch up." He smirked, knowing what that nickname did  to her. True to his word, the man almost immediately disappeared up the stairs. . Brushing the nickname aside, she tried to catch up to him but unfortunately, Jay was already working on whatever paperwork that was left on his desk. Approaching her desk opposite his, she made sure that he could hear her boots hit the ground. His eyes feigned innocence as he made eye contact with her. "Voight said to do paperwork as we wait for the FBI agents to come back." The same smirk he flashed her a while ago showed up again. Her heartbeat accelerated and she thought she was going to melt from his looks right there and then. However, approaching footsteps and familiar voices from the stairwell snapped her back to reality.

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