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After several attempts of trying to break the rusty pipe that held her captive, a loud shrieking sound echoed in the locked room. Vanessa was able to break the rusty pipe. Her head snapped towards her friend. She saw her companion's wide eyes. "You did it," the relief in Hailey's voice lifted Vanessa's spirits even more. She immediately freed herself from the pipe and made her way to Hailey with still the chains around her wrists. "You can't break these, V," Vanessa felt the wretched feeling overwhelm her. She can help Hailey, there is no way she was leaving her behind. "Vanessa, listen to me. You have to break out of here and go get help," Hailey insisted. "I can't do that. I can't leave you like this. What if he kills—," Vanessa didn't get to finish her argument as Hailey said, "Vanessa, please leave." The urgency in her voice made the brunette think about her next move. "I'm not leaving you, but I am getting help," Vanessa said as she started walking towards the other end of the room. Hailey watched her like a concerned mother watched her children. She was about to object to whatever Vanessa was doing until she saw her trying to remove her chains from her hands using different strategies.

A loud sound of dry cough can suddenly be heard on the opposite side of the door. The two women immediately made eye contact with each other again. A terrified look was plastered on both their faces. Their captor was back. The fumbling sound of keys muffled through the door. Hailey immediately motioned Vanessa to go back to her place, which she quickly did. The door opened the second Vanessa was able to settle down on her place. "I made something new and I wanna show it to you both," Barnes said as he walked into the room. He was dragging the same wooden chair into the room and placed it in between the women. He motioned his arm outward like he was showing off his new watch. "This is a trigger device," confusion took over the two women. There was no way that the smart watch around his wrist was what he said it was. "No, really. I'm not joking, it is a trigger device," Barnes clarified as he noticed the bewilder expressions on the women's faces. "Here, let me explain," he said as he tapped a few buttons on his smart watch. "This is my heartbeat," he showed the women the tiny screen that displayed the waves of his heartbeat. "If that flatlines, then every bomb that I placed around your city goes 'boom'." His arms extended around him as he mimicked an explosion.

The hairs on the back of the women's necks rose. The same questions swirled around their heads. 'How were they going to stop him? How was Vanessa going to look for help?' Their captor stood from his seat and walked towards Vanessa. He fumbled with some things in his pocket and took his phone out. He pointed it at Vanessa and the sound of the camera capturing a photo shocked the brunette. He quickly turned it to Hailey and did the same. "What the hell are you doing?!" Hailey's confusion turned to anger as she tried to hide it. "I'm getting my insurance policy," the calmness in his voice angered Hailey even more. "And before I forget, if any of you tries to do something surprising like escaping. I'm going to take this watch off and you're gonna watch your city go 'boom'," his hands mimicked an explosion again. He then looked at his captives with a proud smirk smeared across his face. He turned to the door and dragged his wooden chair out of the room. The key locked the door once again, leaving the two women with mixed emotions about their situation, but they were sure of one thing. The lives of the people of Chicago were more important than theirs and they were going to do everything in their power to protect the people.

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