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At the loud ringing of the school bell, a mob of students came rushing out the double doors. They all dispersed into small crowds as they each made their way home. As the crowd minimized, a brunette slowly came out of the doors. Her eyes widened as she saw a familiar woman across the street. "Trudy?" she said as she neared the older woman. "Hey, Lizzie bear," Trudy greeted her back with one of her many nicknames for the teenager. This placed a smile on Lizzie's face, but she was still curious as to why the sergeant was at her school since she often sees her in the district. "What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked. The sergeant took her time to come up with an answer for Lizzie's question. "Trudy, what's wrong? Is Hailey ok? What happened?" Lizzie's impatience got the better of her as she bombarded Trudy with questions. The older woman gave up in coming up with a lie. She sighed and said, "I'll explain later, hop in." She opened the car door for the teenager to get in. "Should I be worried?" the brunette asked in all seriousness. Trudy didn't want to break her heart again, but the news they currently have still has a chance of having a better outcome. "A little," she replied since she didn't want to give the girl false hope about the situation. All she got in return from the teenage girl was a nod then she got in the backseat of the car. She shut the door and got in the driver's seat. During the car ride to the district, Trudy kept glancing back and forth from the road to her back seat. She kept wondering what was going on inside of the brunette's head. 'She was just like Hailey. Always keeping stuff in.'

After a while, Trudy parked the car in the parking lot and the pair stepped out from the vehicle.  "So, are you still keeping me in suspense about what's happening?" the brunette jokingly asked her older friend, trying to get some information out. The sergeant gave her a small smile and said, "Yep, we'll explain later." The brunette sighed and followed the sergeant as they made their way to the second floor of the district. Up on the intelligence unit floor, well-dressed FBI agents were scattered doing different things with members of the unit. The desk sergeant along with the teenager emerged from the staircase. Lizzie's eyes darted between the new and unfamiliar faces around her. Her eyes searched for the one very familiar face, but it wasn't there. She looked at the sergeant and whispered, "Where's Hailey?" The taller woman just looked at her as she also didn't know the answer to her question. Out of the corner of Lizzie's eyes, she saw a familiar brunette approach them. She gave the older woman a grateful nod. "Hey, Liz," the brunette greeted. "Hi Kim," Lizzie replied, her confusion can be heard in the way she spoke. Kim motioned her head for Lizzie to follow her as she turned away and made her way to the break room. Lizzie glanced at Trudy , who gave the youngster a nod for her to follow Kim.

Kim sat on one of the chairs around the table as Lizzie entered a few moments later. She casually sat on the couch since that was what she always did. "Are you also going to give me the silent treatment on what's going on?" Lizzie asked with annoyance laced in her voice as her anxiety started to eat her up. "No, I'm not. I'm here to explain," the relief to hear this response from Kim filled the girl's being; however, a feeling of nervousness also came along with it. 'Do I really want to hear what was happening?' The older brunette took a deep breath as she collected her words. "Ok, so Hailey told me that whatever happens you want to hear the news straight with no sugar coating of words," she successively said. "Yeah?" the younger one replied, suddenly unsure if she still stood by her decision to ask Hailey of that. Kim nodded. "I can't give away much of the case, but we're currently looking for a serial bomber." Lizzie's brown eyes immediately widened as she heard the news. "Ok, woah." "Yeah, woah," Kim's response instantly received a soft chuckle that escaped Lizzie. A small smile of accomplishment grew on Kim's face as she succeeded in somehow swaying the conversation into a hopeful side. "Here comes the serious part," the real news still needed to be said. The teenager directly sat up straighter as her eagerness to hear it overcame her nervousness. "By the way Jay has been acting Hailey might also be in trouble, and Vanessa is presumed missing." The younger one just felt her heart get ripped off from her chest and the blood slowly drained from her. Her brown eyes widened again. "And?" she managed to form. "And we're trying our best to find them." Her head just nodded as a reply.

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