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Ever since their captor left them in the room, their anxiety about the situation grew. Now, their emotions were at an all time high. They were terrified, depressed, and enraged. Their minds were both thinking the same thing: if they can't get out of wherever they were in, then they have to get someone to them, but how? It was impossible with Barnes's new invention and they clearly have no idea where they are other than they were in some basement. Their eyes darted from one part of the room to the other as they looked for something— anything that could help them in any way possible. Eventually, their line of visions landed on each other as they slowly ran out of hope. If they tried to leave, the city of Chicago was going to pay for their actions, but if they stay then everything will be alright. Maybe. "Hey, I forgot to ask. How are you doing?" Hailey asked Vanessa as she tried to set their troubles aside for a minute. "We're going down that road, huh?" Vanessa asked. Hailey gave her a shrug, "What else would you rather do, sulk?" A snort escaped Vanessa as she didn't expect the sudden nonchalance from her friend in this kind of situation. A smile crept onto the brunette's face, "I'm good. What did you and Jay do when I was away?" Her smirk directed towards Hailey as a lot of 'fun' questions grew in her mind. To pretend that she was caught off guard, Hailey raised her eyebrows, but all she was trying to do was get Vanessa out of her worried state.

"We... well..." Hailey was lost for words. The way she and Jay left things was not right and she knew it, which could also mean she's getting another Vanessa Rojas scolding action again. Her plan backfired on her and now she was on the hot seat. "Jeez, Hailey! I was gone for what? Five minutes and you managed to shove your feelings down again?  And what happened with Lizzie? She's supposed to make sure that you guys were going to be ok when I was away," Vanessa ranted. "Way to get that out of your system," Hailey commented, then she immediately got a side eye look from her friend. She raised her chained up hands in defeat. "Look, it wasn't her fault that I pushed Jay away. It was mine. I just got so worried for you and I—," a chuckle escaping the brunette interrupted her. "You miss me, don't ya?" She immediately got an annoyed look from Hailey. "I was gonna make it sound very touching, but you ruined it and I'm not doing a do over," the blonde avoided the question. "But, right now, you miss Jay more," Vanessa's sarcasm was replaced with sincerity. "Yeah, I do miss that dumbass," Hailey said with genuinity and sarcasm. "You both are," Vanessa corrected.

Without any warning whatsoever, the door to their little room swung open. The women' head snapped towards the direction of it to find Barnes carrying a kit of some sort. Without making any eye contact with his captives, Barnes unzipped his kit and brought out a syringe filled with something. The women's fears sky rocketed, why does he have a syringe? What was in the syringe? As anxious questions arose in their minds, Barnes made his way in front of Vanessa. Before she could get any protests out of her mouth, the needle pierced the side of her neck and her body went limp. "What are you doing to her?!" Hailey's loud voice echoed throughout the room. The woman struggled against her chains, even if it seemed like it had no use. The man closed the kit and faced the blonde. "Calm down, Miss Upton," the calmness in his voice irritated the woman and she continued to struggle in her chains. A small smirk appeared on the man's face as he dragged the lifeless brunette out of the room. After a few more attempts at breaking the chains, Hailey didn't get any luck. She tried examining the chains, the pipes, nearby surroundings to try and break them, but nothing. The door to the room swung open once again. The blonde's head snapped towards the person entering the room. Her eyes looked like it was burning through the man's thick skin. "What did you do to her?" her voice threatened her captor, but he didn't flinch one bit of his being as he just replied with, "Patience, miss Upton. You're next." This made Hailey's heart skip a beat, she didn't know what this man had planned for her, but this wasn't her top priority. Right now, she was more worried for Vanessa than her own self. What was he gonna do to her?

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