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There was a heavy silence amongst the group just outside the front door as they digested Kim's information. It was hard hearing this kind of news, but they knew it came with the job. From his gloomy state, the brunette looked up to see Special Agent Maggie Bell approaching the group. "We found syringes and medical bottles that were most likely used to sedate them," her tone didn't match the group's state, but a ripple effect happened with the determination in her voice. Kim's phone suddenly rang in her pocket. Everyone's eyes followed her movements as she answered the phone. They watched as she nodded to whatever the other end was telling her. "Alright. Thanks, Trudy." A glimmer of hope and enthusiasm sparked in her eyes as she ended the phone call with the sergeant. Her sights landed on the intrigued expressions of her coworkers. "They're in an abandoned building downtown. Trudy's sending us the location right now." "I'll grab OA," Maggie said as the team dispersed to each of their vehicles.

Even with the location situated downtown, it wasn't in an area that was densely populated. A handful of police cars blocked the streets that gave access to the scene. The place looked abandoned as it was evacuated quickly. A few cars with their sirens flashing came rushing down one street. A dark gray pickup truck was leading the group. Jay was inside and looked around the area as he neared the building. His foot hit his brakes as he heard a loud explosion from the building and it went up in flames. His eyes widened, his foot switched to the gas pedal quicker than he could think. He parked his truck several feet away from the burning building. He stepped out of the vehicle and took a few steps towards the building. His heart was heavy, his breathing started to hitch. 'She's... inside that building. I promised to find her, but I'm too late. She's gone and she's never coming back.' Two cars pulled up behind the man's. Three people came out of one car and one of them rushed towards the flames of the building. "Kevin!" the brunette woman called out. "I got him, Kim," a brunette man with a beard said as he rushed to Kevin's side. Adam managed to catch up to his best friend. He grabbed his arm before he could make a decision he would completely regret.

Sorrow, anger, sadness filled Kevin's state. "Adam... There's no way she's in there, bro." Tears started to stream down his face as he felt his friend's hand on his back. After a few moments of feeling dismayed by the situation, everyone's heads snapped towards the building. Two shadowy figures were coming out of the building. They stepped out of the destroyed doorway and the sun shone on them. Both were women, one was a brunette and the other was a blonde. Wide eyes were staring at them. No one could believe what was right in front of them. The women were Vanessa and Hailey. Jay was by his pickup truck and he slowly made his way closer to the two. As his mind began to process who was just a few feet away from him, his pace picked up. His strong protective arms gently wrapped around the blonde. He was breathing heavily as her scent finally hit his scenes, he was sure that it wasn't his imagination playing tricks on him. His unapologetic woman was alive and breathing and she was in his arms.

"Hailey... you scared me so much," the man said. "Come on, Jay. You scared me more times than I bothered to count," Hailey joked. A chuckle immediately escaped Jay. He found it amusing at how Hailey still found time to be competitive with him in a situation like this. He didn't let her go for a few more minutes as he was scared of losing her again. Hailey didn't mind— didn't care at all that they were hugging each other like there was nobody around. They both needed this so much. After a few moments, their hug was slowly broken off as Hailey abruptly let out a phlegmy cough. "Let's get you checked out, shall we?" She nodded at Jay's suggestion. She looked to her side to check on her brunette friend. She saw her hugging and talking to Kevin, this placed a smile on the blonde's face. Vanessa was finally safe, she's safe in Kevin's arms too. Hailey was slowly ushered away from having the view of Vanessa and Kevin. She felt Jay's arm around her as they made their way to where an ambulance would park. She knew that she was fully capable of handling herself, but she didn't care. Through this, she gets to feel the safety Jay radiates just by being with her and his warmth being a comfort for her that told her she was protected. They were alive and they were good.

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