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When everyone saw the photos that Adam discovered, the atmosphere tensed and began to search what else they could find in the basement. OA was going through a pile of boxes in the corner; he just finished going through the first four boxes on top and he was now opening the last one. Suddenly, his body froze at what lay in the container. Maggie was just nearby and immediately noticed this. "OA, what's wrong?" she slowly approached him. OA looks up from the box he opened. His expression but the look in his eyes hid all the emotions he was currently suppressing. "There's a bomb in here," he calmly says to not cause any panic. Just hearing the word 'bomb' made everyone in the basement stop what they were doing. Everyone now stared at OA, carrying the same expression as him.  "No one keys their radios. No one moves," Jay instructed as his instincts immediately kicked in. A silent agreement from everyone hung in the air while OA examined the bomb.  An explosive attached to a cell phone acting as a trigger device; these were enough for OA to determine that this was a bomb. His face grimaced as his eyes scanned its wires since they seemed to be more complex than expected. One wrong move and everyone might die; he didn't want to risk it. "I don't think I can disarm it." his eyes look up to meet the faces in the room. Everyone's feet remained planted on where they stood, even when their minds were screaming at them to run.

Everyone's eyes darted back and forth from each other as each of them tried to come up with something to do. "Are you sure you can't disarm it?" Maggie asks, hoping that OA would change his conclusion.  "I haven't seen this kind before, but from the looks of it it's not the only bomb in the house," OA says. "What do you mean 'not the only bomb'?" Maggie's voice slightly trembled. "The trigger device looks like it was set that when we try to disarm this bomb, the other would go off," OA carefully stated as to not instill more fear into everyone. "Where do you think the other bomb is?" Kim's voice arose from the silence of the intelligence team as she managed to compose herself first. The pair both looked at her with Kim's question dawning at them. Maggie turns back to OA, her eyes asking the same question. "It could be anywhere from this house to another country," the male FBI agent deadpans. Everyone gulped and took a deep breath with the new information they just received. Now, all of them had the mindset of thinking that this would be their last day on Earth.

"Ok," Maggie broke the short silence of the basement, "someone has to notify Isobel or Voight and get a bomb squad here." At first, Maggie's suggestion didn't receive a reply until Kevin took his phone out of his pocket. "I'll do it," Kevin says. Everyone's head turned towards Keivin's direction. "Alright," Maggie spoke for everyone. "Move slowly and carefully. We don't know what can trigger this bomb to go off," OA warned. Kevin nodded and slowly made his way towards the stairs. "Everyone else, let's try to look for the second bomb in this basement. We'll do it slowly and carefully," Maggie calmly says, trying to take the lead in this while gathering her own composure for everyone's sake. With that, the team started lifting and opening a box that was nearest to them. No one dared touched the one with the explosive in it.

After moments of searching, everyone came up empty. They quickly feared that it could be somewhere else which increased  the chances of an event of mass killings. All of a sudden, heavy footsteps can be heard coming down the steps of the basement. Everyone turned to find someone dressed in a bomb disposal suit. To their relief, the bomb squad had arrived. "It might be linked to another explosive," OA quickly informed the officer in the bomb suit. The woman nodded and OA carefully moved away from the box.

Everyone meticulously made their way out of the house. Not far from the doorstep, Sgt. Voight and Isobel stood and simply looked at them. OA quickly made his way in front of them and said, "There might be another bomb somewhere." Sgt. Voight's and special agent Isobel Castille's hearts skipped a beat as their eyes expressed their surprise at the news. "Sarge, maybe it's in the district," Jay says, joining the conversation. The older man immediately took out his phone and dialed Sgt. Platt's number. After a few rings, Sgt. Platt's voice was heard at the other end of the phone call, "Voight?" Sgt. Voight didn't waste any time with introductions. "There might be a bomb in the district."

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