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The people outside of the break room all had determined looks plastered on their faces as they stared at their computer screens and their fingers rapidly tapping at the keys on the keyboard. They all just wanted to find anything that could lead them to find their missing friends and the serial bomber. After a while, a tired brunette man stood from his seat and made his way to the break room. The man casually walked in the room and made a beeline for the coffee machine to make a mug of their crappy office coffee. He poured the dark liquid into a mug, but when he turned to head out of the room, he stopped. In front of him was the brunette teenager he was trying to avoid. He stared at her for a moment. The brightness of her phone cast a low light on her face as she stared at it with a gloomy expression on her face. Her knees were up to her chest, her hands held the phone as it rested on the slope of her legs. The man didn't want to make the situation for her any worse, so he started making his way out of the room.

At the foot of the door, he decided to give a quick glance at what the teen was doing. Her phone illuminated a picture of her blonde and her brunette friends. Her thumb swiped across the phone changing the picture to a different one, but with the same people. The older brunette set his mug on the table and sat by the teenager. "Lizzie, I'm sorry," he apologized. More words were about to spill out of his mouth, but he bit his tongue as he felt his companion shift her position. "You don't have to do that, Jay. After what happened last time, she warned me that danger and uncertainties always come with the job," Lizzie said. The man's words disappeared from his mouth as he looked at the person beside him. "She also told me that you can get so worked up with yourself when she's not around and she had me carry this letter wherever I went in case something happens to her." The curiosity in Jay showed through his emerald eyes as the girl reached into her bag. She got a folded up piece of paper and handed it to the man.

Jay unfolded the paper and he saw a very familiar handwriting. It already gave him a sense of comfort, knowing that Hailey wrote it. His eyes followed her writing across the paper. 'Jay, I can never imagine the days without you as my partner. You make me a better person and I know you would follow me wherever I go. You have shown me that day after day. If you're reading this, I have failed my side of trusting you. I know that your stubbornness makes you not listen to people that much, but I want you to know that you'll be alright even if I'm not by you. So, please know that whatever happened to me is not your fault and it will never be. I also know that you would follow me anywhere, so I know you will eventually find me or... peace. Your forever partner, Hailey Anne Upton' Those words made the man speechless. His surroundings faded around him, only her words in her angelic voice repeated in his mind. A sudden warm touch on his arm made his head snap towards it. His eyes met brown eyes and he was pulled back to reality. He softly shook his head and a more tenacious look grew on his face. "I'll bring her home." The man stood from the couch with the heartfelt letter still in his hand. Hailey's words still replayed in his mind, giving him the motivation he needed all day.

Lizzie was once again alone in the room. Her view of the people working outside continued to give her the little hope she needed to keep herself together. The abrupt vibration by her side made her grab her phone. 'A text message?' She clicked on the notification and there it was. The bruised face of her brunette friend and the confused look on her blonde friend. 'I'm watching your house. Don't tell anyone. Come alone or they die.' her terrified eyes read the text message that accompanied the photos. After it there was an address for their meeting spot. Her mind quickly weighed the pros and cons of her doing what the captor asked of her. Her eyes shifted between the intriguing message on her phone and the determined people working outside. As she thought of her decision, another photo came in. Her eyes halted in shifting as her mind formed her decision.

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