Action Stuff

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A few hours had just gone by, heavy footsteps of a group of people can be heard coming up the stairs onto the bullpen. Sgt. Voight stepped out of his office with a confused look on his face. He watched as Jay first emerged from the stairs and made eye contact with him. "Sarge, there was nothing in the van. It was wiped clean," he said. "Patrols are canvassing the area right now, but that's a long shot." Hailey came up from behind him, while the others followed close behind. "Agent Bell, agent Zidan, you guys are to head back to New York tomorrow and agent Castile is bringing the FBI here in Chicago up to speed on the case," Sgt. Voight informed the New Yorkers, then looked at his team, "I want you to dig into his past, trace his steps back and figure out where he's planning to go next." Each of the intelligence members nodded their heads at their assigned tasks and went to each of their desks. The sound of typing immediately filled the bullpen, then they started discussing the information they were able to dig up. "All I got from his childhood was that he loved math, science, and airplanes," Adam shared. "All his social media are all quiet right now," Kim chimed in. "I can't track his phone since it's been turned off since yesterday," Kevin said. "The lab called, they didn't get anything useful from the van either," Vanessa declared. "Patrol reported back, their canvas turned up nothing," Hailey looked at Jay for anything. "I dug into his finances, there's nothing new," he announced.

They were all too busy sharing details they had found that they didn't notice their sergeant was just listening to them. Their heads snapped towards him as he said, "Let's call it a day, then. Go home, get some rest, we start early tomorrow morning." They all nodded their heads again as Voight made his way back to his office. Everyone started gathering their things. "I hate sitting all day," Adam complained to Kim who was right in front of him. "No, you hate sitting and doing work all day with none of the action stuff," Kim rebutalled. "Yeah, you're right. See, this is why I love you 'cause you get me," Adam said. "Shut up and let's get to Molly's." Kim rolled her eyes at Adam and started making her way down the stairs. "If anyone's up for it, Kev's buying us drinks at Molly's," Adam announced to the room. "Bro, I never said that and when did you last buy us all a beer?" Kevin immediately countered. "...or we can all buy our own beers." Adam immediately turned towards the stairs and started making his way down in hopes to not get pulled into his own making of a problem. Kevin had a wide smile on his face as he knew exactly what he was about to do. He looked at Vanessa in front of him. "Really?" She asked as she already knew what he was about to do. "Yeah," Kevin started going after Adam, and as he neared him he said, "You're buying us drinks, bro." He placed an arm around him in order to avoid him from running away. "Ok, but just one round," Adam sighed. As both men reached the top of the staircase, they heard Kim's voice from below. "Adam can't buy you drinks, he forgot his wallet at home."

Witnessing the trio go at it at each other, Vanessa couldn't help but be amused. r. She looked back at the blonde and brunette still grabbing their things. "Hey, you two, we're all heading to Molly's, wanna join us? Or do you guys have a better plan?" She approached Hailey and Jay by their desks. She immediately received a side glare from Hailey. "What did she tell you?" Vanessa immediately raised an eyebrow at Hailey's question. "Who is she? And what would she tell me?" She watched as Hailey's face turned into a light shade of pink. A chuckle escaped her. "Damn, girl! She's right, I can see it all over your face," she exclaimed. Hailey immediately furrowed her eyebrows. "I hate you two." Vanessa shrugged at the comment, "You love us, but not as much as him." She pointed at Jay who was just watching with amusement at the two joking with each other. "Anyway, I'm gonna see if I can catch up with Kev and the others. See you at Molly's." Her playful grin didn't leave her face until she turned away from the two and strutted to the staircase feeling very proud of herself. "I still hate you!" Hailey called out before her best friend disappeared down the stairs. "But you aren't capable of hating me nor Lizzie!" And that was it. Vanessa got the last word as she heard the metal door open and close. She sighed and looked at the man watching her. He had a gleeful look on his face, she glared at him, but his smile never faded even a little bit.

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