twenty two

181 10 1

a/n: happy new years! here's to 2021!

Come back.


He completely ignores me and continues to keep walking. I run to catch up with him, finally being able to grab his elbow. "Ced-ric-Dig-or-ry."

"Ooo, someone's in trouble with their girlfriend," one of his friends cooed.

"Shut it," Cedric tells him, jaw set.

"I need to talk to you," I tell him pulling on his arm. "Please."

He closes his eyes and sighs. "I'll catch up with you guys in a second," he dismisses his friends. They walk away, but still glance behind their shoulders at us. He opens his eyes and looks at me wearily. "Well go on then."

"You're mad."

"Yes, I'm mad. Did you know that I waited for you for an hour, Lauren. An hour. And you still never showed up."

"And I have an explanation-"

"Of course you do," he rolls his eyes.

"I was doing detention with Hagrid and Draco-"

"You were with Draco?" he asks, incredulous.

"He had detention too! I can't control something like that, Ced!" His nostrils flare, but he says nothing. Instead of looking at me he focuses on something over my head, or to my left, or to my right. I sigh and try again. "During my detention, I saw a patronus cast, one I was sure was from Dumbledore. So, I ran to find out what had happened. I ran into Harry, Moody, Krum, and Dumbledore, and I don't know what was happening, but Dumbledore sent Harry and me back to the castle. We were to go straight to the Gryffindor common room."

He still doesn't look at me. I place my hand on his face gently and pull it to look at me. "I wanted to meet you, trust me. We haven't talked in forever and I miss you," I whisper. He sighs and places one of his hands over mine, his eyes softening while looking at mine.

"I miss you too, Lulu."

"How about we eat dinner in your dorm tonight, like a picnic, and we can talk over everything."

"I'd like that," he smiles. "No bailing, though," he jokes, but his eyes are serious.

"No bailing," I repeat, smiling.

"Good," he smiles. "I love you."

"And I love you," I tell him, wiggling my fingers at him as I walk away in the opposite direction.

I spend all day with Harry, Ron, and Hermione helping Harry practice spells for the third task. After the meeting at the quidditch pitch last night, he had told all three of us everything that had happened, including what the actual task was. The champions were to complete a maze, full of small tasks, and grab a trophy at the end. The first person to grab the trophy wins, nice and simple. Except, it's not nice or simple at all.

Ron and Hermione leave and go to the great hall for lunch while I stay with Harry so we can practice more. I sit down beside him on the ground, leaning my back against the wall.


"How are you not?" I groan. He laughs, rolling his eyes. "Hermione is working you so hard to get these spells right."

"Tell me about it," he smiles. "Want to learn something cool?" He says suddenly, leaning up from the wall.

"Cool meaning..."

"You'll see. C'mon." He stands up and reaches a hand out to pull me up. I reluctantly grab his hand and he hoists me up. We stay standing, not moving at all.

tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now