twenty four

214 10 15

would recommend listening to "all i want" by kodaline while reading this :)


It all happened so fast. A loud noise. I can barely see, but Harry and Cedric crash to the ground, the trophy falling with them. The band starts immediately playing the Hogwarts match, cheers erupting from every single direction, every single house, even Slytherin.

"They won," I whisper. "They won!" I repeat agin, louder this time. "Draco! We won!" I laugh and throw my arms around his neck, jumping up and down. He laughs in my ear and pulls me to him, his arms tight around me.

"Those gits did it," he mutters in disbelief, and I pull back momentarily to smack his arm. "I told you everything would be fine," he smiles.

Then we hear it. The scream.

I turn around in Draco's still arms to see Fleur, the girl from Beauxbatons, staring at Harry and Cedric, pointing and screaming. The music comes to a stop and I stand on my tiptoes, trying to get a better look, while I silently curse myself for being short. Why was she yelling?

Everyone becomes silent and I hear wailing. Awful, heart wrenching cries. Draco stiffens immediately and pulls on my arm, clearly seeing something that I can't over the crowd of people. "Don't look," he whispers, pulling on my arm. "We need to go, Lauren. Now."

I turn to look at him. He never calls me Lauren unless he's angry, and he's definitely not mad. He seems scared. "What's-"

"No! No! Don't touch him!" Harry?

I push past Draco and all the other students, heading to the field, my heart racing. Something's wrong. Something's definitely wrong.

I reach the grass and frantically try to see what's happening. Professor McGonagall stands in front of me, blocking my view. "Get her out of here," she says quietly to Draco, who followed me.

"That's my son!"

No. It can't be.

"That's my boy!"

That sounds eerily like Cedric's father. I pull myself from Draco's hands and move around McGonagall. No.

"He's dead!" Harry wails. "Cedric's dead! He killed him! Voldemort killed him," Harry sobs, leaning over Cedric. No. "He wanted me to take his body back here. Don't touch him!"

My heart stops. "No," I whisper. "No!" I scream, a sob escaping my throat, already sore from cheering. I reach out to run to him, but Draco grabs me. "No! Please, no!" I scream. I fall to my knees, Draco following, hugging me, trying to pull me back to reality. I feel the tears start falling down my face. I know I'm screaming, but I can't hear anything.












My love,

Never did I ever think that I would be able to meet someone like you. Someone to make me feel the way you made me feel. Someone who I knew would love me for the rest of our lives, if only we could spend ours together. The universe is cruel. I would have loved to spend the rest of my life with you my love, but the world had other plans for us. Plans I hate the universe for.

I wish I could see you one last time that wasn't in your casket. One last time when your eyes were still bright and your hair was a beautiful mess. Where your skin was warm as I laid myself in your arms. Where you would hold me tight and whisper something sappy in my ear and I would laugh, which would make you laugh. I never got tired of hearing your laugh. I don't think I ever would. And when you said that you loved me for the very first time, I thought my heart would burst. Because in that exact moment, I felt like someone would walk through Heaven and Hell for me. You were that someone. You will always be that someone. You brought out the best in best in me, a part of me I've never seen, a me that was so happy all the time. I'm missing thar person right now. But pain demands to be felt, especially by its most unwilling victims.

Why'd you leave me? My heart is broken, Ced. And I don't want it to be fixed. I want this pain to be a constant reminder, to warn me what love is like. Love is the most violent act, coming when we least expect it and leaving when we need it most. I never planned to fall for you. I never planned to smile when I heard your name, or laugh when you surprised me in the hall. I never thought that I would lay on your chest in your bed, listening to your strong, beating heart, while watching the stars with you. I never planned to fall in love like this. Hell, I never even believed in love like this until I met you. I never planned it, but it did happen. It seems like it was inevitable, me and you. I only wish it were eternal, too.

I wish we had more time together. I once promised you an eternity, a lifetime, just me and you. We were robbed of that lifetime. You said that you wished we knew each other longer than we did, and you have no idea I wish that now. And I need you now, I really need you. But you're not here anymore, are you? You're really gone, right? I don't want there to be a me without you. Do you know how sappy that sounds? You've made me sappy, Ced, and I can imagine you laughing right now in my ear. God, I miss you so much.

How am I expected to go on without you? I never thought I was so dependent on you, and I wasn't, but now that you're gone it's like a piece of me is missing. How am I supposed to keep that necklace? How am I supposed to go to our tree again? to go to your dorm? to face your parents?

I have never loved and hated something more than I do right now. The necklace you gave me. It's the only living reminder I have of you now, a ghost of you, a memory of what we were. After the final task, well, a few days after, I took off the necklace and stored it away. It hurts, so badly, Ced. I never imagined in my whole being that someone, something, could make me feel so many different emotions all at once.

Eventually, I'll pull that necklace back out and look through every single one of our memories together, engraving them into my brain. I loved seeing me from your perspective. You looked at me like I deserved everything in this world, and you fully intended on giving it to me. I'll even put some memories of right now in it too. As a reminder to never let this happen again. I know that you wouldn't want me to, but I can not handle this again. I don't think I could survive it. Cliché. You've made me sappy and cliché. You would love it.

I'm so happy that you'll never have to experience me breaking your heart, my love. I can't wait to see you again when the day comes. I only hope it will be soon. I'm sorry to say that, but it's true. Until then, I'll be missing you every second of every day. Sappy, right? I miss you.

I will love you always,
Your Lulu

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