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a/n: thank you for 300 reads!

Where were you?

I walk to the dining hall with Hermione. Already, I have a good feeling about today. It's my birthday and it's a Sunday, so no classes. We're about to walk through the great doors when I hand grabs my waist and lifts me into the air, my legs hanging. I squeal and twist around, seeing Cedric, who is laughing his arse off.

I punch him in the arm lightly, my heart still racing from him scaring me. He set me down and hugs me from behind, resting his chin on my head. "Happy birthday, gorgeous," he whispers.

I bite my lip and smile, turning around in his arms so I can face him. "Why thank you."

Smiling, we walk into the hall, separating reluctantly to go to our different tables, but making plans to see each other later. Hermione is already seated with Harry and Ron (who still aren't talking exactly) and all of them are looking at me, smiling.

"Smile any more and your cheeks won't be able to move," I tease. They laugh, and I sit down with them, ready to eat. Immediately, they all push presents my way, catching me completely off guard.

"You guys," I scoff, touched. Sitting in front of me is the small pile of presents, one neatly wrapped (from Hermione), one messily wrapped (from Harry), and one not wrapped at all, but rather in a box (from Ron).

I take the one from Hermione first and unwrap it seeing a green book about dragons inside (my absolute favorite animal). I smile and look up at her, saying, "thank you, really."

She beams and flips open to a random page, pointing to the picture. "Look, a Swedish Short-Snout, your favorite." Ron snorts and I feel my cheeks heat up, remembering that was the dragon Cedric fought in the first task.

"Mine next," Ron says, shoving the box into my hands. I laugh and open the lid. Inside is one of Ron's hand-knit sweaters that his mom made him. It's always been my favorite one of his, maroon with a gold R in the middle.

"Thank you Ron, really, but won't you miss this?"

"Nah," he shrugs, like he doesn't really care. "It looks better on you anyways."

I cough and ignore the death stare Hermione and Harry are giving Ron, pushing the sweater back into the box and pressing the lid down for emphasis.

"So, Harry," I cough, picking up the final half-wrapped box and shaking it. "What is in here?" I tease.

"Well if you opened it you could see," he laughs, resting his elbow on the table and placing his head in his hand. I roll my eyes at him and undo the messy wrapping, trying to make some last minute guesses as to what this will be. I pick up a journal laid in the paper and hold it up to eye-level, surveying it.

"A journal?" I ask, tilting it. "Er- thank you, Harry."

He shakes his head, laughing. "Not just any journal," he says. "Whatever you write in it will appear in this journal." He holds up a matching journal from his robes.

He opens it and takes out a quill, writing something. I open my own journal and watch in amazement as the words he had just written in his own journal appeared in mine. "Brilliant," I laugh, instantly loving this. "It's like a phone!"

He laughs too, and agrees. "I got the idea from Tom Riddle's diary, though this one wouldn't lead you into the Chamber of Secrets."

"You're hilarious, Harry," I say in a monotone, and he laughs. "Thank you, guys, really. These are all great presents."

I spend the rest of my day in the Gryffindor common room hanging out with basically everyone. It started off as just Harry, Hermione and Ron, but then Neville, Seamus, and Dean came, then the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, then Ginny and Luna (even though she's not Gryffindor), and I think you see how this was going. At some point, a party started for me, though I was probably enjoying it the least. I did play never have I ever with Veritaserum, which could've gone worse.

Other than that, I really didn't do anything. Luckily, the party also evolved to the point where I was no longer the main concern, so I was able to step away for a bit.

Like that night not too long ago, I found myself wandering to the astronomy tower. It was only around eight o'clock, but it was at that time of the year where it was already dark.

I stepped into the room and grabbed a telescope, settling down in my favorite spot, my legs dangling over the edge of the building. There is a clear sky tonight, fortunately, and I can see every little star in our everlasting sky.

I feel myself losing reality, looking through the telescope and paying attention to nothing else. I'm so absorbed in the stars, I don't exactly hear when someone walks into the room. The only thing that takes my attention away from the stars is a cold hand on the back of my neck.

I jump and hit my eye on the telescope. "Shite," I mutter, my hand coming up to my face to rub it.

"Sorry about that."

I roll my eyes and don't bother turning around. "Do you need something? Because I'm kind of busy." I refocus my eye through the eyepiece, determined not to look at him.

I hear him laugh and sit down next to me. "A simple 'thank you' would be nice." I can't help it, I look at him. He smiles at me, his eyes not wavering from mine.

I don't think I've ever really taken into great consideration how handsome Draco really is. I mean, his personality is indefinitely based on him being a douche, but he has good genetics, I won't lie to you. Lie. It's possible I still have veritaserum in my system. "Thank you for the gifts."

"You liked them?" he asks, fiddling with some loose rocks that lay on the ground.

"I did," I say truthfully. I hold up my hand and show him the ring wrapped around my middle finger. He takes my hand in his and I involuntarily pull back before setting my hand back into his. He frowns and grabs my hand gently, examining the ring. "I'm not scared of you," I explain. "It's just that your hands are really cold."

He raises one of his eyebrows and says "it looks nice on you."

I scoff. "Of course it does. Everything looks good on me."

He laughs and says, "you're not wrong."

I blush, not expecting him to say that. Also he still hasn't let go of my hand.

"I was going to be in Slytherin, you know," I say, looking up at the dark. He looks up at me, shocked. "Sorting hat told me I was an even split between the two, kind of like Harry."

At the mention of Harry, he scoffs, but still doesn't let go of my hand.

"Do you think things would've been different if we were in the same house?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Us. Would we be different?"


"Me and you, Draco. Would there even be a me and you?"

He sits back against the wall, closing his eyes, but still holding my hand. "There's a me and you now even though we're in different houses," he says quietly. "So what's with the silly questions?"

"I'm not talking about being only friends or whatever it is that we are now," I whisper.

I watch as he slowly opens his eyes and leans forward. "So many what ifs," he mumbles.

He comes even closer, so close that our faces are just inches apart.


He presses his lips against mine and wraps one of his hands in my hair and the other around my waist. I close my eyes. Then I place my hands on his chest and shove him away, with one thought running through my head.


tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now