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You have no idea how much I think about that one perfect night.

"Good morning gorgeous."

I open my eyes and find myself staring into the sunlight that is streaming into Cedric's room from the ceiling.

He pulls me even closer to him and kisses my neck, making me laugh. I turn around in his arms so I can see his face (which I swear was sculpted by the Gods).

He smiles sleepily, but his dimple still shows. His eyes are closed again, probably still tired from last night. We stayed up talking until 3am, only talking. Okay, and some kissing, but mainly talking.

The way Cedric talked when he was tired was mesmerizing. His voice is lower, but softer.

"The sound of your voice when you're tired is my new favorite sound," I whisper in his ear. I feel it when he laughs on my neck, his breath making the air smell like butterbeer.

"Your voice is my favorite sound always," he murmurs. I lean away from Cedric and lay on the bed, groaning. "We are not becoming that couple."

He laughs and asks, "what couple exactly?"

"The one that's clingy and uses pet names and ugh-"
I make a gagging sound. "It's gross."

Cedric pulls his arms back around me so that my back is pressed up against his stomach again. "I think it's sweet."

I scoff. "Of course you do, you Hufflepuff."

"What's houses have to do with this?" he muses.

"Nothing, it's just that Hufflepuffs are usually kind and charismatic," I tell him, rubbing my hands along his arms. "What time is it anyways?"

Cedric looks at the watch on his wrists and squints his eyes to read the face. "Eight?"

"Shite, Ced!" I stand up and put on my robes from yesterday, grimacing at the creases from being on the floor all night.

He lazily sits up and yawns, totally unbothered by everything. I stop trying to fix myself and instead move towards the bed. I start to pull the blankets off the bed before he pulls me back into the bed.

"We are going to be late, you-"

"I think you forgot that today we start classes at 9:30 because of a meeting the professors are having," he says in my ear, squeezing me as he does so.

I relax and sigh, knowing he's right. "I should probably still go," I whisper.

"Or, you could stay just a little while longer." He kisses my neck lightly, leaving a trail of kisses up my neck. Immediately my skin breaks into goosebumps and I shiver. Cedric sighs, seeing the effect he has on me.

I close my eyes as he makes his way to my ear, biting it gently. I gasp and he laughs lightly, the air barely making a sound. "Now I really need to go," I mumble, smiling.

"Before you do," he says, turning me around to face him, "I need to ask you something."

"If this is about being your girlfriend-"

"We agreed that would happen after the third task," he says, "though I wouldn't mind it happening sooner."

"In your dreams."

"Thought so. Anyways," he continues still smiling, "I want to take you to the Yule Ball."

My breath catches in my throat. I open my mouth then close it, unsure of how to respond.

Cedric's face falls and he clears his throat, diverting his eyes from my face. "I just thought that you might want to go with me since we're... us, but if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine too-"

I cut him off my pulling his face to mine and kissing him deeply. His hand snakes into my hair and pulls my head even closer to him. His tongue probes my lip and I open my mouth, our tongues dancing in their own perfect rhythm.

I finally pull away and lean my forehead against his, breathing hard. "Of course I want to go with you," I whisper, "I just didn't know if you'd want to go with me."

He sighs and leans back, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "And why wouldn't I want to go with you?"

"Because I'm in a different house, maybe."

He groans and closes his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't care that you're in a different house, or a different year, or anything. I just want you."

"How sweet," I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and laughs. "You are terrible, actually terrible."

I sigh and look the watch on his arm. "I really should go and change before I have classes."

He nods and stands up out of the bed, holding out his hand to help me stand up. "What a gentleman."

"Of course, m'lady. Anything for my favorite girl."

"You're a tease," I say, wrapping my arms around him. "Am not," he retorts, smiling. I lean on my tip toes and kiss him one last time, before finally leaving the beautiful Hufflepuff dormitories.

Luckily, I make my way to the Gryffindor common room fairly easy since everyone is at breakfast. I change quickly and fix my hair before heading back out for the dining hall, hoping I can grab some food before potions class with Snape (ew).

At the Gryffindor table, I slide in next to Harry and grab a piece of bacon from his hand. "Good morning to you too," he grumbles and reaches for another piece.

"So where were you last night?" Hermione asks, looking up from her book. I feel my cheeks flush and I cough, trying to cover my embarrassment. "I was with Cedric."

Ron drops his fork and drops his jaw. "Bloody hell," he says in awe.

"Not like that you pervert," I say hitting his arm. "All we did was sleep. Literally."

I turn to Harry, eager to change the subject. "So I see the journals work? You got my message?" He smiles and says "I did. Were you doubting that they'd work?"

"No, no, it just sounded unrealistic."

"Even for magic?"

"You've got me there," I laugh.

We finish breakfast quickly and start our walk to potions with Harry's favorite teacher. As I'm about to walk into the class, a hand grabs my arm and pulls me into a smaller hallway.

I pull my arm from the grip and turn around. "Must you always grab me and pull me into hallways, Draco?"

"You went to Cedric after last night? After what we had?" He asks, ignoring me.

He overheard my conversation.


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