twenty three

199 9 3

a/n: please remember to vote and comment! thank you all for 1,000 reads! that is actually insane!

I need you.


I wake up in Cedric's bed, the sunlight coming through the window and his arm resting on my stomach. A window on his wall is slightly cracked open and the cold breeze blows in, spreading goosebumps across my exposed arms.

I feel Cedric move behind me in his sleep. He pulls me even closer to him, mumbling something unintelligible. I lie there, listening to his heart beating, not wanting to move and wake him. I close my eyes again, praying to the universe, praying to anyone that Cedric and Harry would be okay during the final task. I don't know what would happen if I lost either of them.

I turn in Cedric's arms to face him, looking over him as he sleeps. He wears no shirt when he sleeps, something I love. Instead, he usually gives the shirt to me which I also love because they always smell like him. I have a pile of them sitting in my room right now, waiting to be washed. He thinks I'm giving them back, but I'm not. Not until they stop smelling him. Then I'll give them back to him, then steal them again once they smell like him.

His skin is pale, but his cheeks are rosy, almost like the color is painted on to them. His eyelashes are long, and flutter slightly whenever he breathes out. His jawline is still sculpted, even when laying down. And his hair, I love his hair. It's soft and smells like lemons, always. I rest a hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin. He immediately reacts, slowly opening his eyes and smiling.

"Hi," he says sleepily, slowly propping himself onto one elbow. He leans down and kisses me, making me giggle. "I love you."

He climbs all the way on top of me, planting a hand on either side of my face. "Good morning," I giggle, placing my hands on both of his cheeks. He leans down and kisses me on the lips again. I feel his eyelashes brush my cheek as he moves his head down, leaving a trail of kisses to my collarbone.
"I love you," I breathe, then push him off of me, giggling.

"What was that for?" he smiles, staring at me with adoration. I bite my lip, smiling, bringing up a hand to trace his jawline.

"You have a big day today," I whisper.

"And you're my good luck," he smirks, leaning towards to me to kiss me again. I pull the pillow from behind my head and hit him in the face, laughing. "We need to get up and start practicing for tonight."

He groans, covering his face with his hand. I put my pillow back behind my head and stare at him. "C'mon Ced..."

"Or we could practice for the after party," he says, smirking, pulling me to him again.

"Or we could practice for the final task so you win," I chide, pulling the blankets off of me. "Besides, after parties are so much more fun when you're the winner," I wink. He smiles and sits up faster than I've ever seen him.

"Well come on then." I laugh and get out of bed, walking to Cedric. "I want you to meet my parents," he says unexpectedly, smiling.

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

"You don't look too excited," he muses, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"No, no, I am," I grin. "Just didn't know we were there."

"How could you not?" he asks, incredulous. "We've been officially dating for... 6 months? 6 months tomorrow," he corrects himself, smiling down at me. "But it's felt like forever. We just feel... right. I think that the moment I saw you in that carriage, with your messy hair and red cheeks, I fell in love with you just a little bit. And every day since then, including today, right now, I've fallen a bit deeper into love with you. And I don't think I'll ever stop."

tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now