twenty eight

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a/n: just a reminder that this is a draco and cedric fanfic and not a fred weasley one :) i just read golden boy and wanted to include him a lot more in my story bc now i love him omg

sorry it's taken me so long to update! i'm currently working on 4 other stories <3

I'm sorry.

His other hand grabs my waist pulling me closer and closer to him. His tongue slips into my mouth and I put my hand in his hair, pulling it slightly. He moves even closer to me and I gently pull away, resting my forehead against his instead, breathing hard.

"I'm sorry, Freddie," I whisper. "I'm just... I'm not ready yet."

As he sighs and pulls away, I lean back and look at him. He smiles and brings a hand to my face, rubbing his thumb in a circle. "I thought you might say that," he confesses. "But I can wait for when you're ready-"

"-I don't know when I will be-"

"-that doesn't matter to me-"

"-it will eventually," I say, smiling sadly, placing my hand over his. "Fred, you're an amazing guy, okay? But you need to amazing for someone, someone that isn't me right now. And who knows, maybe something will happen in the future with us," I say, squeezing his hand.

"I've really grown to fancy you this Summer," he mumbles, looking at the floor. "I always thought you were so smart, and brave, and sassy, and good at quidditch," he smiles. "And you're gorgeous, for Merlin's sake."

"And you're amazing, Fred Weasley, amazing. But it's only been 2 months, and it's felt like 2 minutes and 2 years all at once, losing him."

He gives me a sad smile, dropping our hands from my face and squeezes my hand with his. "He was really lucky to have you, Miller."

"We're still good, right?" I ask, nodding and giving him a small smile, holding back tears that are going to come if I continue to think about him.

"Oh of course," he smirks. "It's just that I might need to start charging you for these kisses. They're gonna be worth money some day," he winks and I laugh.

"Dully noted," I smile, walking to the door. "You coming?" I ask, opening it.

"I'm gonna stay here for a while, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay," I nod, stepping into the hallway. "Night, Weasley."

I close the door behind me and lean my back against it. Sure, I'd had a small crush on him before, but isn't it still too soon? Shouldn't I still be a grieving girlfriend, mourning the loss of her love after only 2 months?

Maybe this is you mourning, a voice whispers in the back of my head. This is you trying to get over Cedric.

"Stop it," I beg, closing my eyes. "Stop thinking, stop dreaming, just stop," I whisper before opening my eyes and going back to my room with Hermione, leaving behind Fred Weasley, and even Cedric Diggory.

I hear the door open downstairs and Mrs. Weasley's voice drift up the staircase, warm and loud- and I know he's here. I run down the stairs, despite Mrs. Weasley telling us to stay on the upper level, and see him hugging her, smiling.

"Potter," I laugh, smiling like an idiot. He pulls back from Mrs. Weasley and comes to me, hugging me tightly, placing his mouth besides my ear.

"What's going on here?" he whispers in my ear, more serious than I would have thought. I pull back and give him a look, before Mrs. Weasley starts talking again.

"Lauren dear, I thought you were going to stay upstairs with everyone else?" she asks, her voice growing higher near the end of her question.

"I'm sorry, I just really couldn't wait to see Harry, it's just been so long-"

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