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The astronomy tower was destroyed.

We reach the top of the tower and Harry removes the invisibility cloak from around our shoulders. There was not one light on in the room, but there was no need for any- the moonlight that shone through the windows was enough to illuminate the entire room. I walk over to one of the windows and look down at the ground below, admiring the view from the tall building.

Harry comes up beside me and sighs. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he says quietly. The breeze blows slightly, the smell of autumn in the air.

I smile and whisper back, "It is." We stand there for a while, observing the view, not speaking. We stay like that until a small chill runs up my spine and I shiver.

"So," I start, wanting to go back into my warm bed, "what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

He lets out a breath, and I notice his hands are slightly shaking. He's nervous, and I can't help but let out a small laugh. "Why are you so nervous, Harry?" I ask gently, setting a hand on his arm.

"I'm not nervous," I hear him murmur, staring at my hand. He takes a deep breath and turns to face me, looking at me directly in the eyes. "I realized today in the carriage that I was... jealous," he says.

I give him a look. "And why would you be jealous, exactly?"

"I was jealous because you of you and Cedric," he mumbles, not looking me in the eyes.

"We weren't doing anything," I scoff. "That wasn't even flirting."

"Then what was it?" Harry asks, his eyes flying up to meet mine.

"I call that being friendly. I'm kind of insulted, Potter. If you think that was flirting, you're in for a big surprise."

Now, Harry scoffs at me. "Lauren, I know you well enough to know when you like someone."

"Oh really," I challenge, taking a step back from him, feeling adrenaline rushing through me. "Did you know that I liked Draco Malfoy first year? Or maybe that I had the smallest crush on Oliver Wood when I was younger? Or-"

"Oliver Wood? Really, Lauren?" he laughs, all his embarrassment and anger suddenly gone. "You should have seen him with quidditch. I seriously think he's going to marry the sport."

I can't help but laugh, since it's probably true. I look at him again, resting my arm against the banister of the railing. "Harry, I think Cedric is... cute, yes, but I don't like him. I don't even know him, Harry, I can't like him."

His cheeks flush red, which makes me smile. "I'm sorry for-"

"Don't apologize," I cut him off, closing the gap between us. I stop short just in front of him and look at him. "Just... don't apologize," I say, grinning. "It's cute seeing you all jealous and flustered."

He rolls his eyes then smiles at me, holding out his hand jokingly. "Care to dance, madame?" he asks in an over exaggerated British accent.

I laugh, and take his hand, curtseying. "I do."

He spins me around the room, our laughter bouncing off the walls. For having two left feet, Harry isn't a terrible dancer, but isn't great either. Our dance is clumsy and beyond horrific from a bystander's view, but the happiness on both of our faces is unmistakable.

We finally stop, and my heart pounds against my ribcage. "Wow," he breathes, biting back a smile.

"Wow indeed," I say smiling. He grins back at me and I feel my smile slowly fade. I sigh loudly and Harry's eyes grow concerned. "Did I do something wrong?" he asks, cheeks starting to pink.

"No, no, of course not," I tell him and his face falls into confusion. "You are my best friend here, Harry. I mean my best friend, like bestest-"

"I get it, Ren," he laughs.

I bite my lip. "Hermione may have... hinted something to me earlier today about you and me, and I don't..."

"You don't what, Lauren?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"I don't... want you to get the wrong idea?"

He says nothing and I take a step towards him and reach for his hand again. "I can't ruin this friendship. You are the one person I need in my life, and if we-"

He cuts me off with a laugh. "Lauren, I love you, but not like that," he laughs, and I feel my cheeks geow warm. "I promise, you're just my best friend. Well, best girl friend, because Ron is my absolute best friend," he grins. "And I agree with you, I can't ruin this friendship either. Who else would I sneak into the Astronomy Tower with at night and dance with? Hermione?" I laugh as he walks over to me one last time and wraps his arms around me.

"So about earlier then?"

"I think jealousy was the wrong word," he says, thinking. "More of a protective type of jealousy, like the big brother kind."

"I told Hermione you didn't feel like that way! Personally, I think Ginny would be amazing for you," I smile.

His cheeks redden and he coughs. "Ron would bloody murder me. You are freezing," he mumbles in my ear, changing the topic. My arms tighten around him.

"Good thing you're here to keep me warm then."

He laughs and says, "Except I'm a stick."

Suddenly, we hear footsteps from outside the door. Harry throws his invisibility cloak over me as Filch walks in, Mrs. Norris trailing after.

"You!" he yells, pointing a finger at Harry. "What are you doing here at this time of night?"

Harry looks at Filch directly in the eye and says, "Couldn't sleep."

Filch clicks his tongue and says, "Ah, Mr. Potter. Not here with any of your friends, are you?"

"Do you see any?" he asks sarcastically as Filch's eyes scan the room, but see nothing, of course. Mrs. Norris meows in my general direction, but Filch disregards her.

Suddenly, an ugly smile takes over Filch's face. "Let's go see Professor McGonagall, shall we?"

Harry gulps loudly, knowing that the twins would kill him for loosing so many points already. Just then, a loud bang sounds from below, followed by a maniac laugh. "Peeves!" Filch hisses and turns around, running down the stairs, Mrs. Norris in tow.

I take the cloak off, turning to Harry, smiling. "We should leave."

"Now, before he comes back,"Harry finishes and grabs my hand. We run down the stairs and all the way to the common room as silently as we could, but laughing nevertheless.

Harry opens the painting and we walk inside to the Common Room. The room is empty as expected, and we sit down. "That was amazing!" I say, laughing. Harry shushes me, but I see him grinning.

"I can't believe he never saw me," I continue. I grab both of Harry's hands. "Look at that," I say. "Mr. Potter saves me again."

He smiles down at me once again and pulls me to him. He presses his lips softly against my forehead, his arms making a cage around me.

"You should probably go to bed," he whispers. "You need your sleep."

I snort. "I'm practically nocturnal," I respond, not wanting this moment to end just yet.

"Excuses, excuses," he laughs. "Goodnight, Ren," Harry says, letting go of me completely. He stands up, turns away and walks to where his room is. I realize his cloak is still on my arm, but decide to keep it until morning.

I walk to where my room is and silently open the door. I walk to my bed and climb in, covering myself in the soft blankets. Memories of the night fill my head as I drift into sleep.

I awake to the sound of Lavender talking. I swear, does this girl ever shut up? I sit up in bed to find all 3 of my room mates staring at me. Lavender looks excited, Parvati seems curious, while Hermione is giving me a look of pity. "Can I help you?" I ask.

Lavender skips to my bed and holds up Harry's cloak. "How exactly did this end up in your bed?" She asks, smirking.


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