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a/n: i guess i really want to update this week! lmk how yall feel ab me including another POV

I'm not forgetting that either.

Pansy shrieks and I slam the door again. "We need to go. Right now," I tell Cedric, laughing.

"Who was it?" he asks, not seeing who it was.

"Draco and Pansy! C'mon!"

He grabs my hand and we start running, our laughs echoing off of the walls. He carries my shoes in his jacket in one hand, and we race to the Hufflepuff common room.

When we're halfway down the hallway, we hear the door open again. "Hey! Get back here!"

We laugh even harder at Draco's yelling, but keep on running like there's no tomorrow, hand in hand, in love.


I'm on top of Pansy when she screams. I look to the doorway where light is pooling into the room and see Lauren standing there, Diggory standing over her shoulder. She looks me dead in the eyes before her eyes travel to Pansy under me, my shirt off, and her dress long gone.

She slams the door shut, not saying anything. "Damn it, Lolo," I hiss, and get off of Pansy, refastening my belt over my hips.

"Don't leave, Draco, they won't tell anyone," she pleads, grabbing hold of my arm. I don't bother telling her that I'm not worried about that, I just shrug her off and run over to the door.

They're already halfway down the hallway when I open the door, running hand in hand, and laughing. "Hey!" I shout, starting to make my way into the hallway, "get back here!"

They ignore my yelling, laughing harder even. I walk back into the room to a hopeful (and still mostly naked) Pansy, anger filling me. How had I let someone walk in? And how had I let that person be Lauren?

I slam my fist into a mirror on the wall, shattering it into little pieces that litter the floor. I grab my shirt I had laid on the back of a chair and throw it on, rushing the buttons. I walk back out of the room, seething, ignoring Pansy's pleas and my bloody hand.


We collapse onto Cedric's bed, a tangle of limbs, still laughing. "I can't believe we saw that," I laugh.

"Has tonight even been real?" he asks, staring into the sky from his glass ceiling. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers together. "I hope so," I whisper.

"Me too," he whispers back. I pick up his hand and look at his watch. 12:16

"I should probably head back to my dorm."

"Or you could stay."

"I have nothing to wear. This dress is nice and all, but definitely not sleeping attire," I laugh. He leans up on his arm so he can see me better. "Just wear my shirt. I'm already tired, and I know you are too."

I yawn as he says this, and he raises his eyebrows as if to prove his point. "Fine," I say, standing up. "But can you help me get out of this thing."

"Fine," he says, "but let me change first." He kisses me on my forehead, then goes into the bathroom and closes the door.

I walk around his room, waiting for him to come back out. His room is painted yellow, the floors white marble. A brown four-poster bed stands in the middle against the wall. A small dresser is across from it, made of dark wood. Ivy grows on the walls.

I walk over to a mirror on the far wall and notice photographs and letters hanging around it. Pictures of me. Of us. Letters we wrote each other.

Arms wrap around me, strong and warm. He kisses my neck slowly, rocking both of us. "Let me help you out of that thing," he whispers, bringing his hands to my back. He brushes my hair over my shoulder and starts to slowly unzip my dress. Once it's all the way down, I slip the straps off my shoulders and let the dress drop to the floor.

I turn around to face Cedric, not meeting his eyes. "You're gorgeous," he whispers. "No shirt?" I tease, running my finger down his bare chest.

"You wanted clothes, so I give you clothes." He pulls a shirt out from his dresser, a plain blue one. He hands it to me, and I pull it over my head. It reaches my mid thigh, thankfully.

I pull the fabric to my nose and breathe deeply. "It smells like you."

"And when I get it back-"

"If," I correct. I have full intentions to keep this shirt.

"When I get it back," he says again, pulling my arm to bed. "It'll smell like you."

We lie down in his bed under the covers on our backs, my left leg between both of his, stargazing through his ceiling. "I have an idea of what we can do tonight."

"Oh?" I ask, curious.

"Nothing like that," he laughs, shouldering me.

"So then what do you have in mind?" I laugh too, sitting up in his bed. He sits up too and faces me. "Do you trust me?"

"Why?" I ask, immediately skeptical.

"Just answer the question, Lulu," he laughs.

My heart pulls a little when he calls me that. Was it really only a few hours ago when he gave me that nickname?

"Of course I trust you, Ced. But why?"

"Close your eyes. Trust me."

I close my eyes after giving him a look. I soon feel his hands at the back of my neck. "Okay, now open."

In his hand, he holds the necklace he gave me for my birthday. I stare at him, confused.

"Instead of spending our night like Malfoy and Pansy," he says, his face slightly souring at the mention of Draco's name, "we're going to fill this thing with all of our memories of each other. Starting with," he pauses, pulling a memory from his head with his wand, "when you said that you loved me. Because I am never forgetting that."

tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now