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Come with me one last time.

I pull away from Cedric, my lips still warm from our kiss.

I stare at him, my mouth opening and closing, no words coming out. "So this is what speechless looks like," Cedric says, smirking, looking me up and down.

I point behind me and say, "I should probably go."

I'm smiling like a bloody idiot, and now Cedric is too. "Yeah.. just going to.. leave," I say slowly, backing away from Cedric while he laughs.

In the Gryffindor common room, there is a huge party because of Harry. The room is decorated thoroughly and the Weasley twins are giving out some of their newest projects- I'm sure to stay clear of them, not wanting to puke, or have a nose bleed.

Instead, I find myself alone in a corner, sipping firewhiskey a 6th year had given me. I had already talked with Harry and Hermione and we decided together that we would try and figure out the secret to the egg later, and now with Ron too. After he had seen how dangerous this competition was, he'd finally come around.

I look around the room at all of my classmates and decide suddenly that I need more air. The room is stuffy and my hands were sweaty. My clothes felt like they were sticking to my body and my hair is clinging to my back. My thoughts all blurred together, and I felt giddy and tired all at once.

I push past the Fat Lady painting and my drink spills out of my cup and onto the floor. I laugh and snort, which makes me laugh even more. I walk down hallways, not paying much attention as to where I'm walking, admiring the interior of the castle and waving to some of the paintings.

I finally find myself at the doors of the astronomy tower and push them open.

Immediately, air rushes into my lungs and I inhale sharply. I walk to the wall and lean against it, slowly sliding down. I set my drink down and close my eyes, listening to the air rushing through the room, and finally enjoying the cold and quiet.

"Falling asleep?"

My eyes open immediately and focus on him, his figure standing in the doorway. "Did you follow me?" My words come out sluggish and I laugh again, my eyes closing and my head rolling to the side.

"How much did you drink?" His voice is suddenly much closer and echoey.

I open my eyes again and smile. "Your eyes are shiny," I slur, giggling.

He rolls his eyes but smiles slightly, amused with my behavior. I gasp and sit up straight. Or, I try to, but I fall a little and he catches me. "I didn't know you smiled. You don't smile. Mr. Malfoy doesn't smile."

"I smile sometimes," he says, raising an eyebrow and looking at me in the eyes.

"You smile when I'm the one talking to you."

Draco now avoids my gaze and pulls on my arm. "Let's get you back to your dorm, you are wasted."

I scoff and pull my arm back, sliding back down the wall. "Let's stay here and talk instead."

"Let's not," he says.

"I like talking to you," I tell him, my face growing warm, the alcohol making its way through my body.

"And why would you like that?" he asks, amused, and finally giving up on pulling me to my feet.

"Sit down and I'll tell you," I say, patting the floor beside me.

He sits down, moving the cup, grimacing when he smells it. "Please enlighten me," he asks.

"You think you're some tough guy,"I say. "That you're this... cold hearted Slytherin that doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything. And I have to hand it to you, you put on a really great show of acting like that, but that's all it is. It's simply a show. Because if it were real," I whisper, "you wouldn't be sitting here right now, talking with me, worried about me because I'm drunk out of my mind."

"So you do admit that you're drunk." A smile plays on his lips.

"Is that the only thing you gathered from that?" I turn to look at him and notice his eyes. The moonlight reflects off of them, turning them silver instead of their dull grey. His face is relaxed and he looks almost... sweet.

"Did you follow me here?" I ask again, my voice softer.

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Yeah, I did. I was curious about what you were doing out so late by yourself?"

"So you are worried about me," I tease.

"Curious," he corrects me, smiling. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, resting my head on the wall behind me, really tired now.

"You come up here a lot."

I open my eyes, surprised. "How often do you follow me exactly?"

"I don't need to follow you to know that. I made a connection- you wear a bracelet with the Big Dipper on it," he says, motioning to my wrist, "and that one time in potions when Snape took your paper, you were drawing stars on it."

"You're smarter than I would've taken you for. And you pay a lot more attention than I would've expected."


I smile at him and check my watch. 12:23

"Tomorrow is my birthday," I whisper. I look at him. "I bet you didn't know that."

"I'm not some kind of stalker," he says, "so no, I didn't know that."

He stands up and reaches his hand out to me. I just look at it, my eyes drooping. "Don't make me carry you," Draco warns.

I roll my eyes then finally close them, allowing my head to stop thinking about everything that's happening.

I feel Draco's arms wrap around me and lift me off of the ground. "Don't touch me," I murmur, weakly hitting his chest.

My head is filled with fog and I can't think correctly but I swear I feel his lips brush against my forehead.

Then I puke. Everywhere.

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