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a/n thank you all SO much for 600 reads! this all means the absolute world to me :) also, if you're interested, i've been trying to shift for SO long w no avail, so if u have tips lmk!!

Dance with me again, my love.

"There you are," Cedric says, wrapping his hands around my waist from behind, squeezing me gently. "You look so gorgeous tonight, Lulu."

I turn around in his arms. "Lulu?" I ask, smiling.

He blushes and smiles. "You call me Ced, so I wanted to give you a nickname. I can call you something else, if you don't like that."

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean back, staring upwards at Cedric. "I love it."

He smiles down at me and unwraps my arms from his neck. "What are you-"

He leans down and kisses me passionately. He wraps a hand in my hair and leans down so far I have to wrap my hands around his neck so I don't fall.

After a moment, he leans me back up, not letting go of my waist. "Dance with me again," I say, pulling him to the dance floor.

He places both hands on my waist and presses me to him fully. I lean my head on his chest, my head facing his neck. My arms are wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Happy Christmas, Lulu," he whispers in my ear.

"Happy Christmas, Ced."

"You're going to say this sounds sappy," he starts, smiling, "but these last few months that I've known you? They've been the best few months of my life."

My heart swells as he whispers this to me, sending shivers down my spine. I lean back further in his arms to look at his face. "You're right," I say, "that is sappy."

He laughs loudly, his voice echoing off the walls. He looks happier than he has in such a long time. Nobody really knows this here, but Cedric is under a ton of stress recently with the competition and school. And I know how stressed Harry and Cedric are, making me stressed as well. I care too much about the both of them for something bad to happen.

"How about we leave this dance now and go for a... walk," he whispers in my ear, leaning down. Even in high heels he's taller than me.

"A walk?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He smiles his thousand-watt smile. "A walk that may or may not lead us back to my dorm," he says seductively, winking.

I laugh and grab his hand. "Lead the way, Cassanova," I whisper, reaching on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

We walk down the hallways, my hand wrapped up in his. We bump into each other constantly, talking about anything.

"You know, this dress kind of makes me feel like a princess," I say, swinging our hands.

"You know, you kind of look like one," he laughs.

"And you know every princess needs her prince."

I stop walking and move myself to stand in front of Cedric. "Unless they're siblings," he jokes. I swat his arm. "You are seriously ruining the moment here."

"Sorry, sorry," he tells me, still laughing. He moves us against the wall pinning me against it. "Better?" he asks, eyes dark, all the laughter gone. "Much," I breathe, pulling him to me.

He kisses me passionately, holding my head in one of his hands. His other hand finds my waist and pulls me even closer to him. I run my fingers under his suit jacket, wishing we were in a more private area.

He pulls away suddenly, stopping completely. "Why did you-"

"Sh," he whispers, looking intently across the hall. "Did you just shush-"

"Lauren, please, be quiet." Ensuring that I won't talk again, he covers my mouth with his hand. We continue to stand there, me still half-pinned against the wall with his hand covering my mouth. Just as I'm about to say something, I hear it.

Someone is getting absolutely railed in the room next to us. I can't help it, I snort. Cedric looks at me, still confused about what the sound is. "What is that?"

"Aw, Ced," I laugh. "You're too innocent." I reach up and grab his face in my hands, squeezing his cheeks together. He grabs my hands and pull them off of his face. "I'm not innocent."

"You are. And I love you just the way you are."

Cedric stiffens under my hands. I rerun what I just said in my head and realize I had told him that I loved him. This is too soon. We've only known each other for a few months-

"Love?" he muses, a smile playing on his lips.

"I meant-"

"But you said," he leans down, pinning me against the wall again, "love."

"I, uh. Yeah, I guess I did use that word," I tell him, my face reddening. He places a finger under my chin and lifts my face to his. "Lauren. Lulu," he whispers, stroking my chin with his finger, "I love you."

I swallow. My breath momentarily leaves my body as I stand there, between the wall and Cedric. "And I know right now you're overthinking this entire situation," I smile weakly, "but don't. Just act."

He slides his hands down my body, landing on my waist. "Let's dance."

I look at him. "Here? After we spent all night dancing? At a ball?"

He laughs. "Yes. Because I'm standing in a gorgeous school with a gorgeous girl who's feet are probably hurting right now. So, I'm going to take off my jacket, and you your shoes, and we're going to dance to the music still playing from the ballroom."

He slides out of his suit jacket and holds out his hand so I can slip my heels off. I wince as they hit the floor, my feet much more sore than I thought.

"See," he murmurs in my ear, pulling me close to him. I lean my head in the crook of his neck while he rests his on my head. His hands grab my hips gently and I knot my fingers around his neck. We sway slowly to the music echoing off of the walls of the hallway coming from the ballroom.

"I know we have our little... deal about you winning the championship and then we can date. But, I was thinking," I pause, deciding on what to say. "No, I know that I want to be yours. And I want you to be mine, Ced. I don't want to wait anymore."

He kisses my forehead and I feel him smile. "I never wanted to wait in the first place," he whispers. Above our heads, mistletoe sprouts. "Mistletoe," I whisper.

"Don't mind if I do," he smiles, leaning down for a kiss.

To our left, we hear a crash come from the room. Cedric and I stop, then slowly move towards the noise. I open the door and stop, standing in the doorway, like an idiot, surveying the scene.

Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy. In the middle of sex.

Fuck me.

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