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(a/n thank you for all the reads! i just wanted to say that i fully intend on finishing this book. i update at least once a week (sometimes more, depending on my homework load from school). so yes, this story will be complete and probably around 35-40 chapters!)

Dance with me again.

"We had nothing," I hiss, backing away from.

"So that was nothing to you? Absolutely nothing?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

He rubs his hands on his face. "Why are you like this, Lauren?"

I stare at him. "Like what, Malfoy?"

He grimaces at the sound of his last name and throws his hands down, clearly exasperated.

"This! One day, you're kind. You're funny and you open up a little to me, and you let me be there for you. Then the next day, you call me a slimy git and to stay away from you! How long do you plan on keeping this up for? It's exhausting."

"This is not some game," I hiss.

"Then what is this?" He shouts.

I close my mouth, swallowing the words I want to say.

"What is this, Lauren? What are we doing?" he asks softly, stepping closer to me.

"It's noth-"

"Don't say it's nothing," he murmurs, coming to stand so close to me, I can smell his expensive cologne.

"I'm with Cedric," I whisper, not stepping away.

"Yeah, I figured that out last night after you ran away." I back into a wall and he follows me slowly, pushing himself against me.

"I didn't run away," I say quietly, smiling.

"Oh, Lolo," he says, clicking his tongue, "you just love to deny me."

I place my hands on his chest to push him away but he grabs onto my wrists.


He smiles seductively. "I just love when you say my name."

His voice sends shivers down my spine. "We can't do this," I whisper.

"Do what?" he asks innocently.

"I'm with Cedric," I repeat. I pull my wrists from his hold and grab my bag I had set on the floor. "It's not nothing between us," I admit.

"It's friendship," I say, winking. I hear him groan as I walk back into the main hallway and into potions class, luckily not late at all.


Snow falling. The paintings singing whenever someone walks by. Christmas decorations. Dancing lessons. The Yule Ball.

The Yule Ball. The exact one Cedric asked me to go to just one month ago while I was lying next to him in his bed. Which, since that night, I have done plenty.

Ron and Harry (who have made up) are taking the Patil twins tonight, though that started an argument between Ron and Hermione, when Ron called Hermione a girl, and I think you see how this went down.

Currently, Hermione and I sit in our dorm alone, trying to get ready for the ball. Earlier today, I went with Hermione to buy some Sleekeazy's hair potion to see if it could help with her hair. Honestly, her hair looks great normally, but it looks really beautiful with curled ringlets.

I also helped her pick out a dress a while back, a blue frilly thing that made her look like Cinderella. Once Hermione had finished, we turned both of our attentions to myself.

tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now