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I miss your smile.

I push him off of me and flash him a scowl, feeling so utterly dirty, like I need to take a shower. "Don't be like that," he says, smiling, walking back over to me.

"I told you not to touch me," I hiss, backing away from him.

He sighs. "Fine, I'm sorry. Would you please forgive me?" he asks mockingly, fluttering his eye lashes like a cartoon character, chuckling.

I roll my eyes at him and walk out the door, into the hallway. Over my shoulder I call, "keep your distance from me."

Inside the classroom I hear him say, "what ever you wish, princess." I know he's smirking just by the tone of his voice. I shiver again, thinking of how close Malfoy was to kissing me. In the bathroom later that night, I drown my mouth out with mouth wash, just to be sure.

Two months pass and I have no major encounters with Malfoy whatsoever, which I don't have any kind of problem with. He doesn't make any snide comments to me, though I can't say the same for Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

I also spend a lot of my time now with Cedric, the tree by the Black Lake kind of becoming "our spot". I also don't mind this in any way, having grown a real liking to him. We talk almost every single day, and even when we don't, I still catch him looking at me from across the room. I like to watch him when he doesn't notice, observing the small things he does, like smile when he's embarrassed, or crack his knuckles when he's distracted, or close his eyes when he's thinking.

Yesterday, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came to Hogwarts, and it's been absolute chaos since then. Almost all of Durmstrang sits with the Slytherins, not surprising that Malfoy knows some of them, and the Beauxbatons usually sit with the Ravenclaws.

But now, their arrival is the only thing anyone talks about, which is starting to become annoying. Also, some of the girls from Beauxbatons have taken a liking to Cedric, which has caused some jealousy I didn't know I had in me. Just yesterday I heard two of them giggling when he smiled at them, and I really wanted to just go and pull him away from their prying eyes.

Today, the champions from each school were being chosen at dinner, given it was Halloween. I had been arguing with Cedric these last few days, telling him to not put his name into the Goblet of Fire, worried that something could happen to him.

He did it anyways.

Currently, I lay on the grass beneath our tree waiting for him to meet me. Not too many people were outside today, probably due to the anticipation of the ceremony tonight, but I really couldn't care less about it. Unless Cedric was chosen, then I'd have a few words to say to him.

Even though my eyes are closed, I see a shadow come over me from the direction of the castle, walking slowly. "Here already?" I ask smiling.

"So you are waiting for someone."

My eyes snap open and I stare at Malfoy in disgust.

"You," I say, sounding almost like an accusation.

"Me," he responds, smiling, sitting down next to me and placing his bag beside mine. I sit up while he slides deeper down the tree, placing his hands behind his head.

"Happy?" I ask, rolling my eyes and wishing he would just leave.

"Very," he responds, closing his. In the sun, he looks peaceful. The sunlight makes his hair look even whiter and paler, and in the light, I can see how his eyelashes are long and fair. While I'm studying his face, he suddenly opens his eyes, catching me.

"Done looking at me, sweetheart?" he smirks.

"Have anymore nicknames, Drakie poo?"

At the name he visibly shudders, then sits up fully, the smirk gone from his face. "Never call me that."

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