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He's gone now too.

I walk into the dining hall with Cedric. I slow down about 20 feet from the Gryffindor table and stop, seeing Harry, Hermione, and Ron all sitting there.

Ron and Hermione are talking a little to each other, but Harry sits with his head hanging, not touching any of his food on his plate. I notice another plate next to his, in the spot where I should be sitting, filled with food already. For a second I think that someone had taken my place, but I know Harry wouldn't do that. He had gotten me a plate of food even though he was mad at me and wasn't sure I was even coming.

This made my heart swell a little. I am pulled out of my thought by Cedric pulling on my arm gently. "You can still sit with me at the Hufflepuff table if you want," he says. He had already asked me a million times, but I shake my head.

"Go sit with your own friends," I say, laughing."I need to talk with mine."

He smiles knowingly, squeezing my shoulder before walking off in the direction of his table. I start walking towards the Gryffindor table again and Ron looks up at me. He nudges Hermione who also sees me, and she gives me a small smile, and I'm so grateful that she already understands why I ignored all of then for a bit. I just needed some time to myself to calm down.

Harry looks up suddenly and follows their eyes, finally seeing me. His eyes open wider as I make my way to my spot at our table. "Hi," I whisper.

"So you're done ignoring us?" Ron asks loudly, earning a kick from Hermione underneath the table. Harry narrows his eyes at him. "It was just a question," he winces, reaching beneath the table to rub his shin.

"A valid one, too," I sigh. "Still my seat?" I ask, gesturing to the place next to Harry's.

"Of course," Hermione scoffs, daring for Ron to say something.

I sit down with all my friends, suddenly feeling like an outcast in my own home. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and say nothing, the only sound coming from the four of us is the scratching of silverware on the platter.

"So, Lauren-"

Ron sets his spoon down hard and snorts. "So we're just gonna ignore this morning then," he interrupts, looking between Harry and Hermione.

"If you had just given me a second to speak, Ronald-"

"I'm sorry about what happened this morning," I say, sighing, cutting off Hermione for the second time. "I should have talked to you guys about the whole thing, trust me I know that," I breathe. "But I just needed a second, so I'm sorry for ignoring you all."

Hermione rolls her eyes, completely understanding where I'm coming from. "Malfoy is absolutely terrible," she says. "I'm sorry he said that about you. You didn't deserve that, and you're definitely not a... uh..."

"I shouldn't have let him get to me," I say, not wanting to think about it.

"What did he say about you?" Harry asks. I close my eyes, hoping Hermione doesn't say anything. She doesn't, and I open my eyes to give her a thankful look. We both know what Harry would do to Malfoy.

"Harry, it's nothing, really," I place my hand on his shoulder and lean into him, hoping it'll distract him. He narrows his eyes at me, but says nothing, bringing a hand to my shoulder and rubbing it.

I turn back to Ron, cross with him. "I still don't know why you're so upset about all this."

"Because we could've made a really good revenge plan on Malfoy," he smiles shyly.

I laugh, smiling at him. "We still can, Ron. Name a time and place and I'll be there."

Grateful for a change in conversation, we finish our dinner, then desert. Ron seems to have backed off of me completely, currently very interested in his pudding.

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