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Kiss me. Just one last time, please.

I walk into the Gryffindor common room expecting it to be empty, but finding someone sitting on the couch instead. It's dark, all the lights turned off, but a fire is lit with the person sitting in front of it, a silhouette outlining their body against the flames.

I cross the room carefully and sit on the couch next to him, but not too close. He doesn't look up at me.

"I'm sorry," I say, turning to him. "I'm sorry that I didn't come to you first because I know that you needed someone to talk to. And I know you wanted that person to be me, especially since Ron isn't talking to you. I'm so sorry, Harry, so, so, sorry."

In the firelight, I see him swallow and take off his glasses, rubbing his head as though he has a headache.

"I don't like this," he says. "Not talking to you. You've been my... person since first year and we haven't gone this long without speaking to each other- minus summers, of course," he smiles, pausing to look at me. "I'm being mad for no reason."

"There's a reason, Harry. And I think it's because you think I chose Cedric over you? Which I didn't, of course," I add hastily, placing my hand over his.

He looks down at our hands and I begin to pull away, unsure of what Harry is thinking. But he pulls my hand back into his and places both of our hands into his lap, covering my one hand with both of his.

"I know you didn't," he says finally, sighing. "It's just... I don't know what to do, Lauren. Someone put my name in there, probably with the intent to kill me." I suck in my breath hearing this. Harry gives me a small smile and my hand a little squeeze, and I scoff knowing that I should be the one reassuring him.

"We'll figure it out, okay? Me, you and Hermione. And Ron, once he comes around."

At the mention of his name Harry grinds his teeth together. "What to talk about that?" I offer.

He shakes his head slightly and says, "We should probably go to sleep now."

He obviously doesn't want to talk about it, but I can't help and say, "he'll come around, Harry. He always does, just have a bit of faith, eh?"

He laughs quietly and agrees, both of us standing up at the same time.

"So," I say.

"So," He responds, smiling. He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "I missed you."

"I missed you more," I say, my voice muffled by his shirt. I pull away and look at him. "Thanks for saying that in potions."

He laughs and says, "But I lost us, like, 20 points total in just that one class."

I scoff. "Please. Dumbledore will reimburse you soon, teacher's pet. Or perhaps, professor's pet."

He rolls his eyes, still smiling and walks backwards to the boy's dormitory so he can still look at me. "Goodnight."

" 'Night."

I climb up the stairs to my own dormitory and settle into my bed. For the first time in two weeks, I feel like my life is normal again.

But of course, nothing good lasts for long. At least in my world it doesn't.

It's the day of the first task. Cedric, Harry and the others are inside a tent near the place where their task will be. Cedric had told me days before that the task was going to involve dragons, which he had heard from Harry.

Harry had told me before he told Cedric, but I wanted Harry to be the one to tell him. I hope that they'll form a friendship soon, especially since they're both Hogwarts champions. But I think it will be better for me too, since Harry's my best friend, and Cedric's my... well he's Cedric.

I walk over to the tent and listen to the conversation within, hoping I can have a moment alone with Cedric, then Harry, since he will be the last one going. There is no talking happening in the tent from what I can hear, so I move the side of a curtain and peak in.

Cedric is the only one who registers the movement and smiles slightly when he sees me. He walks over to where I am, careful not to draw too much attention to either of us.


"Hey handsome," I say smiling, grabbing his hand. His hand is clammy and I frown. "Don't be nervous," I murmur in his ear, "you'll do amazing."

I hear him swallow, clearly still unconvinced. In the moment, I decide he needs some good luck.

I go on my tip toes and kiss Cedric on the cheek, catching him off guard. "Good luck," I tell him, and at that exact moment, his name is called. He stands, still a little stunned by my little kiss.

Harry comes over to him and sees me, but grabs Cedric's arm and pushes him gently onto the field. Harry walks back over to me and stands exactly where Cedric was moments before.

"Want to watch him?" he asks, glancing over his shoulder at Cedric.

"I'd rather talk to you," I say easily, smiling. "You're sure the spell will work?"

"Not completely, but you doubting it isn't helping."

"I'm not doubting you," I scoff. "I just... I think you have a real shot of winning, Harry."

He blushes slightly and reaches him arms out to hug me. "Thank you, Lauren."

"Not just this task," I whisper, "the entire thing." Louder, I say, "Now go out there and kick some dragon ass!"

He rolls his eyes at my enthusiasm but laughs nevertheless. I watch him walk away smiling, ready to go and steal an egg from a dragon.

Just normal days at a wizarding school.

I fight through a crowd at the end of the tournament, pushing through many people just to see Cedric and Harry. I finally reach Harry first and hug him tightly. "Amazing! You were incredible!"

He laughs and hugs me back, the egg touching my back. "I told you, you have a shot at winning this," I murmur in his ear once again. I pull out of his reach, knowing Hermione was close behind me and would also want to congratulate him.

I walk over to Cedric and wince when I see him.

His face is half covered in burns from the dragon, but Madam Pomfrey had already gone to work to fix it.

"You weren't last," I say, standing in front of him, finally taller since he is sitting down. He looks up at me and smiles, holding a bandage to his face.

"Thank you for that," he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and smile even more at him. "I couldn't watch your task, it was just... frightening."

"Care about me?" Cedric asks.

"Maybe just a little. Like, very tiny."

He stands up slowly, his body aching from his task, and takes my face in his hands.

"What are you-"

Then he kisses me. Fully on the lips, not bothering to be gentle, which I do not mind in any way.

But, he kisses me. In front of not only my school, but two other schools as well.

And I can't find myself caring one bit.

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