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(A/N hi! i just wanted to say thank you for 200 reads! it may not seem like a lot but it is everything to me, honestly. please enjoy this chapter!)

I should've spent more time with you.

Let me rephrase that- I didn't puke on Draco.

Instead, I puked all over my bed, and Hermione, for that matter.

I lay back on my bed, my head pounding, and sweating. I groan and close my eyes, while Hermione stares at the mess I made, clearly disgusted, and I can't help but feel at least a little embarrassed, but in the end I can't seem to care enough.

I must've fallen asleep, because when I awake hours later, the sun is setting. I sit up in my bed and hang my feet off of my bed looking at my watch and seeing that everyone must be at dinner now.

I decide between falling back asleep and going down to the Great Hall for dinner, my stomach eventually making my mind up for me. I put on some suitable clothes and peak in the mirror before heading out. My hair could look worse, all things considered, so I throw it into a quick ponytail and open the door, not wanting to miss dinner entirely, and not really caring about the clothes I'm wearing.

I make it to the hall fairly fast, thanking Merlin that nobody notices much that I'm late. I find Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the Gryffindor table and sit with them, my mouth watering from what I can assume is dehydration.

"I didn't think you'd make it in time," Hermione says, smirking. I groan and cover my face, severely embarrassed.

"It is safe to assume that Hermione filled you two in on what happened this morning?" I ask, looking around at Harry and Ron. Ron laughs and Harry's ears redden, a sign that Hermione had indeed told them. "If you ever tell anyone, I will-"

"Tell anyone what?"

I look behind me and see Cedric, looking confused but very amused at the same time, looking at my friends. When he looks down at me, he smiles and bites his bottom lip, sending my stomach into a flurry. I feel my face start flaming, and Ron say, "she got absolutely wasted last night."

He starts laughing and Harry snorts, and I see Hermione hiding a small smile. I turn on Ron, threatening, "Ronald Weasley, I will write your mother."

He fake gasps and says, "you wouldn't."

"Oh, I believe she would."

I close my eyes, suddenly wishing I had stayed upstairs and starved myself. Any laughter that had been in the air just moments ago was drained. I look up and see my friend's faces.

Already, Ron wears a sneer, while Harry and Hermione sit more stoney faced. "Does anyone else want to come over here?" I mutter under my breath.

From behind, I feel Cedric place a hand on my shoulder and cough, clearly uncomfortable. I lean into him a little and turn around, finally facing Draco. "And what can I do for you, Malfoy?" I ask sweetly, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

My tone takes him by surprise, and his smile slips into a smirk. My stomach does a somersault, knowing that I'm being rude to him, especially after how nice he was last night. But last I was drunk, I was vulnerable. I didn't know what I was saying, or who I was saying it to... Right?

"I was just... checking up on you, since you were off getting drunk in the astronomy tower last night, and I was there to make sure you didn't fall over the railing."

Hermione turns to me, looking at me with uncertainty. "You were with him?"

"He followed me," I insist, feeling Cedric's hands grip my shoulders just a little harder.

tell me you love me (cedric and draco)Where stories live. Discover now