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We can't talk anymore.

Harry shifts uncomfortably next to me, and I'm reminded that Cedric and I are not alone, though I will admit, it would be nice if we were. "Oh! You probably already know, but this is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley."

Hermione lets out a squeak, waving her hand, while Ron and Harry mutter their hellos. Cedric tips his head in Harry's direction, saying, "Potter, always a pleasure."

"Likewise," Harry responds, not quite making eye contact with Cedric.

"We actually spent a little bit of time together over break," Cedric says, turning back to me, another smile forming on his face.

"Really," I say, raising my eyebrows. I turn to Hermione who turns even more pink, remembering the detail she and Ginny had put into their letter about the handsome son of Amos Diggory.

"Yeah," Cedric says, relaxing more into his seat. "It's a shame you weren't there though," he says, smiling. "I would've loved to meet you sooner."

I feel my cheeks redden like Hermione's and I smile, realizing how charming and handsome he was. Harry shoots a look at Cedric, then leans into my shoulder and whispers to me, "meet me in the common room tonight at 10. I want to talk to you. Alone."

My eyes immediately find Hermione, who watched the encounter. She raises her eyebrows and smiles to herself. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, glancing back and forth between the two boys staring at me from either side.

We arrive in the dining hall and take our seats at our respective tables, since Cedric is a Hufflepuff and all of us are Gryffindors. I give him one last wave before Harry lightly guides me to the Gryffindor table by placing his hand on my lower back.

I take a seat next to Hermione, who sits across from Ron, and across from Harry, all of us falling back into some sort of familiar routine.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione are the Golden Trio, as everyone here called them. Obviously, I am not part of this said trio, but I'm still friends with all of them. Harry was the reason I became friends with Ron and Hermione, all of whom have become important to me.

Hermione became my best girl friend here, really my only girl friend here aside from Ginny, and I tell her everything that happens in my life. She always gave amazing advice, and it was fun to gossip from time to time.

The entire school turned their attention to the Sorting Hat ceremony. The new Gryffindors looked adorable, and I felt a wave of nostalgia from my own ceremony. I remember being so afraid of being sorted into Slytherin. Harry must of felt some nostalgia too, because he kicked my leg gently from under the table. I kicked him back and gave him a small smile before turning my attention back to the ceremony.

After the sorting hat and Dumbledore's speech, it was time for the feast to begin. The food at Hogwarts is absolutely delicious. If only my mother made food as good as the food here, but honestly, there was no way my mother could ever make better food than the food at Hogwarts.

Ron shoves a spoonful of pudding in his mouth while talking, making Hermione scoff, then go off on a tirade about how it is disgusting to talk with your mouth full of food. Harry and I just look at each other and smile. Ron and Hermione would continue to fight like an old married couple, and Harry and I would always be here to listen to it. It is always amusing, to say the least.

After the feast is over and the plates clean themselves, we follow the mass of students to the Gryffindor Common Room, stopping at the painting of the Fat Lady to tell her the password. We all parted our ways there, going to the same room we've had for the past 3 years with the 4-poster beds.

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