Chapter Twenty one: Pretty Baby

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TW- Violence, abuse, trauma
Will went back inside as Drew looked across the sunset. Unknown to Jac, Joseph had called Lord Byrne to try and get a better DNA test for Amelia. When he heard he asked how old she was '17' then he froze- what if this little girl was his little girl.
          Lord Byrne entered A&E and was met by Will "Lord Byrne can I help you?" He asked and Lord Byrne nodded "I'm looking for Amelia Naylor- I'm helping her with something." Will nodded "ah yes sir she's on the roof" Lord Byrne nodded and took a lift to the top floor then stairs to the roof and sees a silhouette of a young girl sitting on the edge of a building 'pretty baby' he whispered. Drew heard someone behind her and was startled to find a man "no darling don't run it's okay! I don't believe we've been introduced I'm Lord Byrne." He extended a hand towards her "come hear let me look at you." Drew edged toward him and his hand grazed her cheek "my my Amelia your more beautiful then I imagined- just like your mother." He spoke "you know my mother?" Drew asked Lord Byrne nodded "yes Jac and I used to be close- so Joseph tells me Johnny isn't your father" SJ swallowed hard "Joseph isn't my father either." She said coldly. Lord Byrne tucked Drew's hair behind her ear and she shivered "if only I knew something that could rock your world- oh wait I do, Amelia, I reckon we're closer than you think" Drew's eyes widened as she realised what he meant. She backed away from him he lunged for her and she dashed past him towards the door "Amelia Come here we Haven't finished talking! You can Run but you can't hide!"
     Drew fled down the stairs  mean while Lord Byrne took the lift she was running through A & E and Will spotted her "Drew?" He called but she ran past him towards the entrance. She stopped as she thought she was safe but lord Byrne edged towards her "no where left to run Amelia?" She looked at him eyes wide with fright. She backed away as he came towards her but she backed into the road a little to fast and an ambulance came round the bend a little to fast an ear piercing scream filled the ear.
         Jac was fighting with Joseph & fletch then a scream filled the air - one she'd know anywhere she looked at fletch and the both replied in unison "Drew" then the bolted down leaving a confused Joseph.
      Will heard a scream and dashed out looking forward in Horror- of Drew flat on the tarmac.
     Glev & Fenisha got out the ambulance "she came out of no where I.. I" glev stuttered.
     Drew could here voices, Sirens, someone crying and then just Blackness.
     "Someone get me Ethan!" Will yelled and ran to Drew's side "Drew don't close your eyes keep them open for me!" Ethan ran out
"We need to get a line in Will"
"I can't find a vein"
"Her body is shutting down."
"Her breathing's slowing we need to oxygen"
"Line in"
"500g of magnesium"
"Let's get her off the concrete- I need a trolly"
"Lift on 3. 1-2-3"
"Go go go"
"This is 17 year old Amelia Naylor, hit at high speed by a vehicle about 10 minutes ago, we've got a line in"
Connie Beauchamp entered "what vehicle?" She asked "an ambulance" Will replied.
Ethan took charge right I need a CT, MRI, Bloods & Obs for Miss Naylor."
Tears streamed down Jac's cheeks fletch was hugging her. "What happened? why was she even out there!" Then she heard it. She heard his voice that sends shivers down her spine "Jacqueline" Jac shot round  "you?" Then Jac looked at Drew and pieced it together "you told her! Didn't you!" Jac started hitting Lord Byrne's chest "Jac that's enough!" Fletch pulled her away. "Ah-Ah-ah Jacqueline- I wouldn't if I were you we wouldn't want people thinking Our daughter has a violent mother." Everyone looked stunned "you're not Drew's Father!" Lord Byrne smirks "then who is- it takes one look to see Amelia is mine"
"Get out!" Jac shrieks

Night fell and Drew looked so small on the hospital bed, so pale. Jac was upstairs being consoled by fletch. Then he entered he edged towards a sleeping Drew and stroked her hair "Amelia Elodie, your such a pretty baby" he whispered. "Such a pretty baby- I'm sorry it has to end like this." He flattened her oxygen nasel tubes and she starts to shake then her lips turn blue her eyes snap open and she struggles but he's too strong for her. She tries to get away from him and falls off the bed. Gasping.  He left her on the floor gasping for air.
     Ethan entered with Will "we need to Take her to surgery for her Kidney now." Ethan said then his eyes fell to the empty bed then the girl gasping on the floor "Amelia?" He picks her up and Carry's her toward surgery. "It's okay Amelia Breathe" she's placed on a trolley " m..mum" she gapes to Will "your going into surgery- Ethan is going to put you under okay" Drew gulped as an anesthetiser mask was placed over her mouth. "Just count to ten" Will whispered.
Ethan began to count to 10
She felt spacey
She needed to think straight
Her breathing was slowing
No, no this isn't what she wanted she grabbed Ethans wrist and tried to pull the mask off but she was too weak
"Please no please don't!"
"It's okay Amelia" Ethan reassured
She looked helplessly at Will begging him
Don't fall asleep Drew
Think of Emma of mum of fletch of Johnny
Don't give into it don't give into the.....

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