Chapter eighteen: J please don't do this

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Drew has arrived at the hospital with her mum and they dropped her sister off at the crèche. As the walked to her office there was a man standing there "Jac we need to talk." Then his eyes fell on Drew "is this?" He continued Jac nodded "right baby can you go get me a coffee please?" Jac asked and handed Drew her Card.
And then Drew just knew that man was Joseph.
As she went to the cart where Jasmine worked Drew came across her dad "Dad what are you?" Johnny smiled at Drew "hey darling." He kissed her forehead "why are you here?" Drew replied "I've been invited to a meeting with Your mother and Joseph, are they in her office?" Drew nodded and her father headed off.
Johnny went into Jac's office "what the hell are you doing here?" Jac asked Johnny looked puzzled "Joseph invites me, I thought you knew?" Johnny retorted. Jac looked at Joseph "please don't this" she pleaded Johnny looked at Joseph "what?" He asked and Joseph took a breathe "I think Drew is my daughter" there was a moment of silence before Johnny spoke "great joke Joseph, now what's this really about?" Johnny replied "I'm deadly serious" retorted Joseph "and I want a DNA test done" he continued Jac shook her head "no way, you have to have a parents consent and I don't give it." Jac replied Joseph gave her a hard stare "either you let me do the DNA test or I tell Drew, right here right now." Johnny gave a laugh "I don't know you you think you are pal but your not going to go upsetting my daughter." Johnny replied "she may not even be yours" Joseph retorted.
Drew knocked on the door and Joseph went to open it "last chance Jac yes or no?" He asked Jac gave him an icy stare "no way" but Jac didn't realise Drew was at the door "Drew your Skank of a mother has a big secret" he started and Jac Tried to cut him off "J please don't!" But he ignored her "daddy dearest over here may not even be you'd real dad." Drew stared at him then looked at her mum "if he's not my dad then who is?" She asked "me" Joseph replied "so how can we find out" Drew asked "a DNA test" Joseph smiled "okay fine let's do it" Drew retorted "Drew don't do this!" Jac pleaded. But Joseph led Drew followed by Jac & Johnny to the DNA clinic. Drew sat as they prepped her arm for taking blood.
Drew spoke to Joseph "if your my dad then when's my birthday?" She didn't wait for him to answer "if your my dad then why did you wait till now... exactly that's what I thought" Joseph looked puzzled and Jac smiled "even if you are my dad I'm sixteen I don't have to see you if I don't want to!" She replied "but..but I could fight for custody!" He retorted "not a very strong case though 'ignored his daughter for 16 years of her life' but poor don't you think?" The needle went in Drew's arm and they took blood, then they took blood from both Johnny & Joseph
They all sat in the clinic in silence till Drew got handed an envelope. "What does it say?" Asked Joseph she read it.
In conclusion to the DNA results of Amelia Elodie Naylor-Maconie.
After taking blood from the two possible fathers and Amelia.
Her father is- Unknown
Tear filled up in Drew's eyes and she scrunched up the letter, threw it to the ground and walked away.
Jac picked up the letter, all the adults stood reading it "unknown? Unknown!" Johnny shouted "Jac what have you done" he spat. Jac took a closer look, it couldn't be....  it was.

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