Chapter six: Just give me my babies

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Jac was just about to go into surgery but she couldn't stop thinking about what Drew had said and what was going on.
       Drew picked Emma up from school at 2:30pm "so what's my treat?" Emma enquired Drew smiled "that we aren't actually going to the dentist we are going to see mummy and we are going home, as in our real home!" Emma smiled excitedly as they walked towards the hospital.
             Jac seemed really irritated whilst in theatre, everyone knew she was t herself. "Your doing a great job." A nurse chirped "I don't need you to tell me that" Jac replied , Jac got distracted "be carful with the tape" the nurse continued, the patient started flatlining "that was your fault." Jac replied  "we need to stop the bleed" the nurse continued "get your hands out of there this is my operation...out...out!" Jac raised her tone. One of the nurses tried to comfort her "don't touch me!" She shouted pricking the nurse with the scalpel. Fletch came in "Jac what are you doing?" He looked at her earnestly "no! No I can fix this if everybody just leaves me alone!" Fletch ushered Jac out of theatre. Jac started sobbing "I have to go back in" but fletch stood in her way " no, no they've got it covered."
               Johnny went to Emma's classroom to pick her up " hi Emma Naylor-Maconie?" The teacher just looked at him "her sister picked her up early said something about a dentist appointment?" Johnny nodded and went back to the car "where's Emma?" Questioned Bianca "Drew has taken her, and I reckon there with Jac, drive to Holby general."
    "Fletch you hate me" Jac sobbed "I could never hate you." He replied "everyone ends up hating me" she retorted. "That's not me" he comforted. "That's not going to be me ever." He continued.  She started walking away "Jac your not well" he began "no no this is gas lighting" she replied "Jac I would not do that!" He looked at her "your a gas lighter" she continued. "Jac you cut Nicki with a scalpel" he replied "no she attacked me!" Jac defended. "Look the Jac I know and love does some pretty crazy stuff but that's not her" he replied
"You're not my friend" she replied Jac grabbed her bag to leave " where are you going?" Asked fletch "get out my way" she replied as started to go  down "why don't you just sit down Jac?" Jac shook her head "no Emma and Drew are waiting for me." Fletch continued to plead "at least get changed first?" He replied "I know what this is, this is Johnny he's asked you to keep me here so he can take them away!" She retorted whilst going down the stairs "Take them away?" Fletch said puzzled "but nothing nothing is stopping me from taking my children today!" She retorted fletch asked a nurse to call the on-call psych and security as Jac started heading out the entrance she was met by Emma and Drew.she took  Emma by the hand and told Drew to hurry up. Fletch run Sacha saying he needed help. "I want to go home." Emma said whilst being slightly pulled by Jac "we are going home baby to our home, proper home." Drew could see something wasn't quite right "you have to stop her Drew." Fletch pleaded "I can't he'll take us away" Drew replied. Fletch began "Emma sweehart mummy isn't feeling too well.." but Jac cut him off "no I'm fine I finished early just so I could be with you and Drew." She replied " Jac I think Emma is finding this unsettling." She just kept walking " I don't need parenting advice from you" she retorted "Emma baby we just need to get in the car" she continued  "I just need to find my keys." At that moment Johnny pulled up in his car at the emotional scene  Jac emptied her handbag out onto the floor "where are my keys? What have you done with my keys!" Jac shouted at fletch. Emma reaches for fletch's hand "I don't think your in any fit state to drive." Fletch replied "listen if you try and drive this car then I'm going to have to get the police involved" fletch continued "Emma!" Johnny shouted "Daddy?" Emma replied "oh no you don't!" Drew said taking Emma's hand and gripping it tightly. "WHERE ARE MY KEYS!" Jac Shrieked banging on the car window trying to break in, Emma hid behind Drew. Jac started Kicking the car "Jac...Jac!" Fletch shouted "WHERE ARE MY KEYS!" She continued to shriek "get her out of here!" Fletch looked at Emma then at Johnny, a nurse took Emma's hand and tried to take Drew but Drew shook them off "look please just give me my little sister!" Drew replied to the nurse. "Go" fletch said Jac realised what was happening "no no don't take her!" She said coming away from the car. fletch  tried to comfort and calm down Jac "no no, he's gonna fill her with lies about me!" Jac cried as Emma's dad embraced his youngest daughter Jac started hitting fletcher shoulders "NO NO GUVE ME MY BABY!" She cried  she continued as fletch tried to control her. Emma was given to Bianca and put in the car and Johnny made a b-line for Drew "please just let them go." Fletch said to Jac but she continued to cry 'Give me my baby'  Johnny gripped Drew's arm and dragged her to the car "no no you can't take Drew you can't!" Jac yelled as her eldest was dragged to the car kicking and crying and telling her dad to let go. Fletch cradled Jac as she collapsed in tears. "NO!" Jac kept crying  "they don't need to see you like this" fletch replied as Jac Struggled against him "GET SASHA!" Fletch cried as Jac sobbed
"Ms Jacqueline Naylor I'm sectioning you under the mental health act." As lady said Drew Screamed and tried to pull away from her dad "I WANT MY MUM, I WANT MY MUMMY!" She cried but her dad restrained her and put her in the car. The car started to leave "NO, GIVE ME MY BABIES!" Jac cried as the car left "shhhh Jac please...please Jac let me take you somewhere safe" fletch pleaded Jac's cries got weaker She may have lost her babies, her actions just lost her her girls.

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