Chapter sixteen: Drew's Birthday

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Drew's birthday day was this Friday and everyone she knew was buzzing about it. 
Drew sat her Doc martins slinked over her mums chair reading a magazine in her office. "So Drew what type of party do you want for your birthday?" Jac asked
"I don't..... I kinda just wanted a cosy night in with a film." Drew said sheepishly it was the first time Jac had done Drew's birthday since she was six and now she was going to be 16. Jac pouted "parties just aren't really my scene." Drew continued Jac nodded she understood but secretly she was disappointed as she wanted to have a party.

Meanwhile at Drew's dad's Johnny had just heard Joseph was coming back to town and he wanted to show off in front of him but couldn't think of how to do it.

The week flew by and it was soon Friday Drew & Emma has been at there dad's so Jac could get Drew's movie night ready.

Johnny drove the girls to school "see you later Drew Happy Birthday Darling" Drew smiled and waved to her dad and Emma. Johnny dropped Emma off and when he sat back in the car it hit him he could show off to Joseph if they threw Drew a huge party and invited everybody and then Johnny could Show Joseph up!
Johnny Rang Jac and explained that Drew actually wanted a big party but didn't want to say anything, Jac didn't take much convincing, she started organising the party that was going to take place in her garden.

Jac went to find fletch " can I ask three things please?"
"Go on the Jacula" fletch smiled
"Make that four things 1. Please can I have a half day to sort out Drew's party? 2. Could you bring the girls to mine when they turn up after school 3. Your invited and invite everyone here aswell 4. Never call me Jacula again"
Fletch sighed and a goofy grin crossed his face "alright,fine , you better go get planning" fletch replied "on it" Jac retorted as she walked away "on what?" Asked Mrs beauchamp who met Jac in the corridor, Connie was with Grace "Drew's 16th birthday party, which of course your invited to Connie and of course her best friend grace is two ." Jac replied "we'd love too" Grace retorted "what time?" Grace asked "say umm 5:00pm round mine so you can get ready with Drew?" Jac answered Grace smiled "see you later"

Drew picked Emma up from school as normal and Emma Sung happy birthday to Drew 42 times before they reached the hospital. They were met by fletch who drove them to Jac's and told Emma to go and get ready and Drew to go meet Grace in her bedroom.

Drew went into her room and saw Grace. Drew looked out the window "what is that?" Drew asked "oh that's the Marque for your party" Grace answered "But there's only You, Me, Emma and mum for a movie night?"Drew replied "Not anymore while you were at school your dad rang your mum and convinced her that you wanted a huge sweet 16, it wasn't hard, Jac is so excited." Grace replied

They both got ready in dresses and make up and went outside where there seemed to be hundreds of guests in the Marquee including; her mum, Emma, her dad and Bianca, fletch and his kids, Connie and Grace, someone she thought was called Joseph and many more people.

Whilst the music blared Johnny and Joseph got into an argument and went out of the Marquee Drew followed them "Woah stop it! You guys." Drew said stepping in but they kept at it. "Why don't you just have a race to see who's more manly and be done with it!" She retorted "fine" answered Joseph "you can't be serious , I was kidding!" She retorted, a flustered Drew re-entered the tent.
      She found her mum dancing "hey your back, where's your dad?" Jac asked "outside with Joseph" Drew replied
"Right...well how would you feel about a mother daughter dance." Jac said dragging Drew on the dance floor "alright, yeah you know because I love dancing" Drew replied sarcastically.
"Come up mum you wanted to dance!" Drew said "are you okay?" Jac asked
"I'm not okay" Drew repsponded

"Time to cut the cake?" Fletch asked carrining it towards drew but Emma was running about and knocked it out of his hands and it landed on the dance floor there was a gasp from the guests.

Johnny and Joseph entered the tent "Drew about the race." Her dad began
" I don't know what that was out there but it has nothing to do with me. This whole party has nothing to do with me!" Drew said, and everyone heard.
After Everyone had left and the remainder of the family friends sat inside. Drew sat alone on the dance floor, next to the cake. Grace came over and sat next to her with two forks. "My aunt has a saying, floor cake, still cake" grace said holding out a fork to Drew. Drew didn't take it so grace started eating it. "It's such a shame you don't like chocolate cake." Grace said to Drew. "Am I a horrible person?" Drew asked "they all knew this wasn't the day you wanted, everyone had there own needs. You just kind of got lost." Grace answered
"But still, pretty ungrateful for freaking out like that huh." Drew replied
"It's not wrong to want things a certain way. You need to be true to yourself." Grace retorted she took one last mouthful of cake "happy Birthday Drew." And she got up and went away. Leaving Drew alone again.

'I need to get out of here! I have to block out the noise! Forget about fletch stop hurting my dad and Bianca. And focus on the one thing that really matters. And the only way to do that is to leave.......'

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