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Y/n sighed, opening the door to the long black limo that escorted her from her most recent mission that happened only a few minutes prior; meaning that the blood on her was still relatively fresh and wet. Swinging one leg out of the car and putting it to the ground harshly, she ducked her head slightly so she could get out of the limo without hitting her head. She wasn't even that tall, especially since she still looked like she was fourteen years old. That really gave anyone and everyone that she came across to kill a surprise.

As to why she still looked like she was fourteen? No idea. Her mother always told her it was because she just stopped growing. Y/n questioned it. Yeah, there's always that possibility. But she stayed the exact same. Nothing changed. Your face would normally change, though, hers did not. Trusting her mother, she had always believed it to be true.

Huffing, she slammed the door as she got out and readjusted the cloak around her shoulders. Seeing as she was going to be taking her cloak off anyway, and it was unbelievably hot outside, she pulled the arrow quiver over her head and held it at her side. Before even taking a step towards the building in front of her, she pulled the bead from the small string loop around her neck. Taking the cloak off, she draped it over her right arm; the arm opposite from the one holding her arrow quiver.

Sighing once again, she started making her way up the steps towards the doors. Everyone walking around her, heading to the doors as well, all turned their heads to look at her. Rolling her eyes, she didn't pay any attention to them. Learning from what her mother had said to her multiple times, she followed what she had told her to do.

Keep your head up, Darling. Chin up, be proud. You have earned your title here. You do not pay any attention whatsoever to the people that stare at you. You act as if it is a normal occurrence for you, as it obviously is. Your title is what gives you your power over people. You use that power at all times. Never forget about it, it's always there for you.

Power. Chin up. Head up. It's a normal occurrence, act as so.

Not faltering her step, she kept looking straight on as if everyone else was nonexistent. As she got to the doors, she looked up at the building she was about to walk into. Glancing behind her, she saw some others walking up to the doors. They were walking slower than they had been before seeing her. They're eyes were slightly wide. She furrowed her brows slightly, completely forgetting that she was, quite literally, drenched in blood. Sighing, she pushed open the door, walking inside. She would've held the door open, but the people were walking too slow and were too far from the door. Her mother would've said, "You must have the door held open for you, not the other way around."

As she walked in the room, that annoying feeling hit her again. Everyone slowed down significantly, turning their heads her way. She sighed lightly, stopping in the middle of the circle on the floor tiles to look around for the nearest exit to whatever showers they had here.

That was until someone was walking, almost jogging up to her.

"Y/n!" the woman shouted, reaching her and taking quick, deep breaths. She tried to calm herself down from the obvious amount of running she had done to get to her. She kept breathing hard, keeping a straight posture while trying to wipe the invisible dirt from her baby blue dress. The dress that Y/n always liked, she thought that it went well with the woman's darker complexion.

Y/n winced slightly, "Calm down, Dot." This caused Dot's eyes to widen. She shook her head quickly, nodding it a few seconds later. "Do you know where the showers are? Do they have any here?" Y/n asked. She paused, shaking her head, "I've worked here since I was twelve and I still don't know if they have showers."

Dot shook her head, swallowing hard, "We don't exactly have showers here. But, I'm glad you came." Y/n restrained herself from furrowing her brows and rolling her eyes.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now