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Five and Y/n stopped in front of a tall building, looking up at it. Five looked down, grabbing the piece of paper from his blazer pocket. He unfolded it and looked down at it. "Sixteen twenty-four Magnolia Street?" he asked Y/n, already knowing the answer as he folded the paper and put it back in his blazer pocket.

"Yep," Y/n said, lookin up at the neon sign on the building. Southland Life.

Five nodded, turning to start walking to the building. Y/n walked next to him as they walked under the ceiling outside. Getting to the doors, Five pushed one open and held it open as Y/n walked through. She mumbled a quick thank you as he let the door close and put his hands in his pocket from right next to her.

They both nodded to each other, walking in the opposite direction. Both of them started climbing up the opposite stairs, meeting back on a small platform for a second. They turned, walking up the opposite stairs again.

They stopped in front of an elevator and glanced up at the arrows above the doors. Five sighed, leaning over and clicking the up button. He shook his head, fixing his blazer as the elevator started moving to get to their floor.

"You ready to see him?" Y/n asked, knowing that the last time Five had actually seen and talked to his father was not a good time.

"No," Five stated bluntly as the elevator dinged. Y/n nodded as the doors opened.

They both walked into the elevator, Y/n closer to the side wall. Five glanced at the floor buttons, looking for the right one. He clicked the right floor and put his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. "I guess I have to be ready," he said lowly, sighing.

Just as the doors were about to close, someone put their hand on the doors, forcing them open. Y/n and Five both looked up quickly, furrowing their brows. "Wait up," Diego said, walking through the doors wearing a nice outfit. Five tilted his head, moving a little closer to Y/n as Diego walked past him to the back of the elevator.

Footsteps outside of the elevator got louder as someone came around the corner. "Hold it," Allison said, putting her hand out so the doors wouldn't close. She slowed down quickly, looking at Y/n and Five as they glanced at her boredly.

Klaus came around the opposite corner right behind Allison, stumbling slightly as he walked into the elevator. "Hey, everyone," he slurred slightly, putting his hand on the wall.

Vanya walked in after him as he stood between Diego and Allison. Five glanced back at Klaus while Vanya walked to Five's other side.

Luther came in last, going to stand between Vanya and Five. "Excuse me," he said quietly, turning towards the elevator doors. Vanya moved over to the side. Five moved closer to Y/n. Since the elevator wasn't huge, the two of them were almost touching shoulders. Five shifted and looked forwards, a faint smile breaking on his face.

"Good. We're all here."

The elevator dinged again and the doors closed. There was a small dinging each time the elevator passed a floor. Luther, who was looking up, grunted softly. Allison sniffed, her expression becoming disgusted. Everyone scrunched their faces slightly. Klaus tilted his head, Diego looked at the ground, Vanya looked off to the side, Five looked at the floor buttons, Y/n furrowed her brows a little, and Allison looked at Luther horrified.

Allison shook her head, grabbing her cardigan before putting her face in it. "Oh," she said.

Vanya and Five shook their heads, "Oof." Vanya pinched her nose and Five covered his with his hand.

"Jesus," Y/n breathed, moving her sleeve on her jacket before putting it up to her nose.

"Oh my god," Vanya shook her head.

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